Thursday, August 22, 2024

Manny still around a butterfly and minor calamity

 At least it won't be 90+ today. Still blazing sun and warm wind though so shade is your best friend on a day like today. Which there is none of in the garden.

The clouds yesterday evening on the South-East horizon. They never came close as far as I know and that was around 6:30 in the evening. Sunset is coming sooner and sooner now because a month ago I would be going out around 7 and the sun was just setting.

Manny was still hanging out, but in a very odd position last night. I think he was changing locations on a very, very wilted plant. Don't know why he's so pale but hoping that's just a sign of molting coming soon. So here's the info on molting mantids: 

"There are several indicative signs of an approaching moult in mantises. Refusal of food, lethargy, erratic vibration-like movements, inflation of the abdomen, elongated and extended legs, open raptorial arms, and large, swollen wing buds in sub-adult mantids."

Well, I can see two or three signs right there, I need to keep the moisture level up though because another paragraph said that a failed moult can be from low humidity/moisture. They were talking about captive ones of course so  I'm hoping that isn't the case with Manny. With the slight change in color I'd say he may be changing to green when he gets done.











So it was definitely dry out there so grabbed the hose and started watering. I then decided to up and pull the potatoes. Really do not have the patience for them and discovered that the one small one that I nicked a month ago is what was growing. Also, the 'thorough' watering I did only went down about a half inch. Dry dirt underneath so a more thorough flooding happened.


So that bed was the worst, the other two were still okay but gave them some water as well. No wonder the potato was dying and hoping that I can add some soil and a higher perimeter on that bed before next season.

I was able to pollinate two  more squash this morning and looks like one is almost ready to pick. This means that I have to hold off ripping it out for another week. I really think I'll stick with cucumbers next year. This whole babysitting the plant only to have so many fruit dying on the vine is ridiculous. I am about ready to give up on the tomatoes too. The peppers and onion are about the only things worth saving in that bed, and that baby potato. Which will take forever to make any spuds since it didn't start with one. Luckily when I fill the bed with more soil, it can tolerate being buried.

I decided to dig up the carrot and zinnia behind the plants. Carrot went to the compost pile and the zinnia originally I put in the front of that bed but then realized it was going from full shade to full sun and would likely fry. so I tucked it under the tomatillo where the potatoes were.

A Western Buckeye butterfly was flitting around the mint plant, along with two Cabbage White. I need to remember to do that next time, as soon as I have room and more soil. I got a really quick video of it flitting around and what you can't see in those two photos is the right wing is shredded.

Very short and kind of shaky I hate my phone. But you can see as it swings around the edge of the right wing is shredded along the edges. This is likely it's last season of life.

 And the calamity, as I was digging the soil for the potatoes...the trowel handle broke in half. Not surprising as it's been sitting in the sun and it was old when I started gardening. so I'll be replacing that next month. Still usable just not very comfortable and I have no duct tape to fix it.

A hummingbird just flitted up to my window then swung back and perched on a small thin branch of the jacaranda. Flowers are all gone so they are likely using the feeders downstairs and it's not really nesting season anymore but we have a resident few that hang around.

So winter veggies plan is: lettuces of all sorts, carrots, potatoes, cilantro and onions (bunching) and will try the cauliflower again maybe. Not going to mess with peas, will wait until November to 'maybe' plant Sweet Peas again or find a shorter growing variety.


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