Monday, November 21, 2022

A little more done, still no soil

Days are just the right temperature for being outside with only a light sweater on until the sun goes down. Breeze has died right now and there are noisy kids outside due to being home for the holiday, other than that, did a little more in the garden but still no soil.

I forgot my clippers and due to not watering the pepper it was rather wilty so I just broke it down with my  hands and tossed it in the compost pile and put leaves and a few scoops of the mulch on for good measure. Need to water it tomorrow to help the brown leaves break down faster.

 Dumped out the dirt/rootball that was in the bucket and saw that the roots had indeed worked through the soil sufficiently it was mostly dry and pulled out the stump that was left. Chopped the dirt up with the shovel and threw a little on the compost pile for the microbes. Not sure if I'm going to be mixing that dirt into the north bed for planting or not.

I was scrunching up the leaves to break them up a bit more and noticed It's definitely lowered because it was up to the top when he dumped the leaves in the first time. So between breaking down and taking out two bags and two buckets of leaves out it's getting to a level for adding soil.

 And the gardener was out raking up the leaves again, like ya do this time of year.


That tree is where he was working but the leaves were under the other trees about where I was taking the picture from. So this is fall for us, reddish brown leaves, though the sycamores still have leaves, the liquidambers are slowly losing theirs.

And the lemon bush is blooming (pardon the toe of my shoe, it was the better picture for lighting).


So there's two or three lemons on the bush, it should have had more fruit if it had been taken care of properly but not my bush not my problem.


The rose is almost finished blooming and the trees are in full fall color. Welcome to Fall in San Diego.

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