Thursday, July 29, 2021

Sad plants in the heat

 It has been hot the last two days and me thinking the soil would hold moisture for an extra day was seriously wrong.

Watering ASAP!
After watering

And it doesn't look like the larger zucchini is going to survive. Yellowing at the blossom end again. This is getting frustrating and sad, I love zucchini and I guess it's just too hot and there's no pollinators to help with the flowers. That tomato is doing fantastic still though! That bright yellow green at the base of it is the first tomato almost the size of my palm. Hoping the sudden drought didn't harm production for either as the tops were seriously wilted. That tomato should be turning color soon I hope, this is a Better Boy so the tomatoes are fairly large slicing type.

We had a doctors appointment early this morning so I didn't get a chance to get out and water until now so I'm thinking another boost of food next week might be in order. I currently have no rants or informative right now. Been busy with other things and it's just too blasted hot. I will be going out tomorrow morning (hopefully) to water again as it is going to be in the 90's and as you can see, this bedding area gets full on blasting sun from 10 am to 2 or 3pm Heat bouncing off the walls and ground just makes it an oven there. I can't put up shades so just have to bear it and keep it watered. And no I haven't put mulch down for previously given reasons. I am also saving money for a special day coming up and will have some plant pictures then.

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