Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Made sure to water just in time. #smallgardens#greendinigardenguru

 It is now approaching 90+ today and almost forgot to water. They were wilting already and I might have to go out there tomorrow to water as well. I really should get some mulch, the ground is so open and barren, letting moisture escape and weeds grow, but I think the cilantro is actually coming up!

A little blurry but that is not grass

 That was zoomed in from four feet away on my phone. Don't judge.

It is really important to know where you sow and check your greens. The zucchini is putting out two more fruit, one hasn't even opened the flower yet and the other flower is already closed so I can't pollinate it. Dangit! All the male flowers are curling up and the timing just sucks for trying to get the pollen and save it for the fruit flowers. Plant is healthy as can be though and some of the mature leaves are starting to show the lighter green splotchiness of a mature plant.

Nice and healthy#zucchini

 Now people will believe me when I tell them you need a 3x3 foot area for a good pair of zucchini plants. Don't believe the square foot garden method of only giving them two feet. This stupid heat is keeping the females from getting the pollen and it's just waiting for the weather to cool down. If I had another bed I would be prepping it to plant another in a month. 

Aside from that, the tomato and peppers are plugging along. Again, photo taken before watering and about 11 am.


That bottom tomato is really firm, I checked the blossom end and it looks good. should start coloring really soon. Didn't think to check the peppers but they are smaller than they should be, need to pump  up the soil with more phosphorous...right already has it but alkalinity and it isn't really good levels of phosphorus anyway. More fertilizer!

I decided to shift some of the wood pieces around to make a rough water basin due to the water running off so quickly.

Then after doing that and watering a few more times, was putting the hose away and what do my roving eyes see...a #leafmuncher!


Must have fallen off when I shifted the bush to try and get it straight again. The soil is really soft about four inches down and then stops at the hard pan underneath. So that little guy will either make it's way to the plant or die a roasted sun death. Technically I should have chucked it to the other side of the garden. You know, where the weeds and mint are growing, because she obviously just cares that something is growing and doesn't care.

My daughter who bought the jasmine and basil plants called me in a panic yesterday, there were caterpillars on her plants. She sent me pictures and they were loopers from a moth. I told her to pick them off but to also go get some #captainjacksdeadbug  Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew©. Great stuff, stays on the plants because it's a beneficial bacteria and isn't toxic so perfect for caterpillars, beetles, all kinds of things that will chew or scrape on your plants. She counted twelve loopers on her little basil and one on her jasmine. 'Should I just throw them away or what?' 'Yeah just chuck them over your balcony into the parking lot, they'll fry, get eaten by birds or get squished.' She was adorable in her anger and outrage at the invaders.

Do good when you can and praise when appropriate. Gardens may not seem like much but it is the world to some. Waxing philosophical today because it's too hot to do anything more serious.


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