Thursday, August 19, 2021

Pollination mission hopefully a success!

 The flowers were very shriveled up this morning but I still used the pollen on them for the now open female. Hope enough pollen got on the anthers, at least an ant or two were crawling around inside the flower so that may be a help to move the pollen around. Of course I was in such a hurry to do that I didn't take any pictures of before and after oh well.

On to the tomato, another one is ripening and... an invader! Possibly the same green juvenile that had been on the zucchini.

And once again, I didn't chase it off simply because it isn't big enough to do any damage. 'But it will only get bigger and will cause more damage. Well by the time that happens the bush will mostly be done and I won't have to worry about it. I usually chase pests away like this as I've said.

Not much else going on today in the garden, watered all plants and hope the zucchini takes!

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