Thursday, August 12, 2021

Success and partial failure #smallgardens#zucchini

 I didn't get a chance to water at all Tuesday night unfortunately and yesterday due to being at Disneyland (Amazing fun!) everything was parched and partly wilting BUT:

Two tomatoes!

I mentioned that #zucchini grow very quickly? When the flower gets pollinated it is already an infant. In three days you get a full size fruit! That was almost a day late picking. There's another flower that's not open yet behind it and hope to get out there this evening to check on it. There was the tomato pictured and another on the right side that was also ready and of course, more peppers.

I now believe the cracking is due to sun burn and uneven watering. When I was putting the tomatoes in the fridge though, discovered an issue:

Blossom end rot.

It is still edible, just cut that part out. So not so perfect fruit but I grew it and that's an accomplishment!

I tried to take pictures of the plants and landscapes at Disneyland but it was hot, I was with someone and usually we were in line somewhere so it was difficult. I will be making a separate post about that trip next time. Yay! I ar grdnr!

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...