Sunday, September 5, 2021

Quick post but not much to update

First, the weather report:


So if you don't have anything done by noon, fuhgeddaboudit. We're already buttoning up and will start the ac before we do our short errand for today.

Tomatoes are almost ready, a zucchini is still an infant but looks like it is viable and a gift from above.

Not quite ready
A tiny one behind this one

The days are getting shorter, the shadows are shifting so the zucchini bed is now getting half shaded by now. I don't have to water that bed as often as I thought due to so many leaves shading it and now more shade from the wall. The tomato/pepper bed on the other hand... the leaves didn't do much to shade the soil.

After uncovering
Before uncovering

Not much difference in the soil moisture sadly so watered this bed and you can see that here it was 10:30 am and the sun was blazing hot and plants were wilted despite being watered yesterday. I pulled away the leaves and tossed them over on the makeshift 'compost' pile. Didn't bother checking the peppers, most of them are still too small. 

I have discovered three new mosquito bites so that little twit of a bug yesterday wasn't the only one. Grrrrr.
I am looking forward to cooler days enough that I don't feel like I've run around the building when I come back in from gardening. That dry dusty clay soil is going to be a slick muddy mess when it really rains. Need to look into gravel or something with permission.
And on to the gift from above, I told you we have parrots:

 Lovely iridescent green body feather just happened to be hanging out on the tomato plant. Tiny thing no bigger than my fingernail but it made me smile. Hoping to get some fertilizer today and give them all one last boost of the season. Budget is going to be tight after the next two weeks due to extra money dropping off. Again that is another story but it does affect what I do and get for the garden in regard to more important things. 
Stay cool and trust in science.

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