Thursday, September 30, 2021

Skipped a day and shouldn't have, another plant is put in.

 And the weather is back up to clear, sunny and warm. Warm as opposed to being skin baking hot, warm as in it may well get in the 80's for the next few days. Now what did I say about the weather changing? Predictable as usual when you have the experience of years in one area.

So, got out and watered, the tape is holding better but still a few small leaks but nothing like the previous issue. 

Pressure was definitely better but technically with a break that bad it needs to be cut and repaired. That tape is about six inches long and covers most of the damaged area. Leakage caused some lifting of the hose layers so the actual split is only about an inch or two.

When I watered the next thing that happens, as usual this time of year is.... small pepper specks with six legs.

Get to high ground!

The little specks (whose name shall not be mentioned to avoid their incursion in our living space) have taken advantage of the periodic dry ground and the time of year. I do hope I'm not causing them to go into the apartment next door. 

The garden area is looking decidedly different. I watered the former zucchini bed thoroughly as well and as I watered the front bed noticed a bean had been exposed. Tucked that back into the dirt and continued watering.

I should really find a rake and clean the pathway. Make it look a little cared for at least and maybe try and figure out a way of covering the path with bricks or stones or something. If it were my own property and house, it would be a bigger priority, I'm only renting so not my call. The zucchini bed is definitely going to be leafy stuff, lettuce, cilantro and things that like shadier areas. The tomato bed is going to be the beans if they ever come up, maybe radishes, peas later on, but first, it's going to get either terraced or leveled.

I know the reason why it's sloping away from the wall but that can also do with the fact that whoever had the bed before had the aloe and planter sitting there so only the front of the bed was used. There's an almost visible break point where the tilled ground meets the raw dirt. Watering really shows how the soil slopes and all the good compost just floats to the front. I will want to definitely terrace it minimally to keep water at the back but not so much that it creates an issue with water at the foundation. Not like having wood piled up does anything worse, right? I won't be watering every day nor will I be running the hose on it all the time either so there's minimal impact I think.

 The angle of the picture is exaggerating the slope but it is obvious that everything is washing to the front. That is an engineering thing that I'm not sure I have the strength or energy to accomplish. I want to try though. There are weeds and grass coming up close to the wall and I can't really do anything until the tomato and pepper are out of there. Then have to find a wide board or something to stand on in the bed while I did. Would be nice to finally get rid of that wood pile of course... sigh. The overall property slopes to the street.  Nothing flat about this, a very gentle slope of course but the front of the property is definitely lower. More on that project when it happens.

Now about that plant I mentioned. 

 Okay to the left of this bed is a bench then there's more planting bed, where the electrical box is, and more planting area. Remember the Norfolk Island Pine? Well in front of that is a small area that had some dutch Iris bulbs that are now done. What does the management decide to put there?

A Jade plant.

Sigh. It is going to get watered more than it should which means it is going to get big and overpower that box. Eventually. Honestly, 'oh this needs to go somewhere, let's put it here where the plants have died.' Not my circus, not my monkeys as they say. 

So other than that, weather heated up as I predicted and back to wearing shorts during the day and sweat pants before going to bed because it's getting down to the 60's at night.

Ah fickle Fall weather.

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