Friday, November 19, 2021

Should have watered, but took a walk.

 Decided to walk around the corner and see what sort of units they are building on the next street over. Been hearing hammers and yelling for a good couple of weeks. Won't be able to afford them but it was a walk then on the way back I decided to stop in the garden and see what's going on.

Need to water but didn't have the nozzle with me so just took pictures and discovered another cilantro sprout coming up. 

Okay so I've been having issues lately with dropbox not updating almost instantly like it has in the past. This is rather vexing and frustrating. I took four pictures, only one is showing up and the video I took of Rocky checking out a katydid on the screen. WTH?

Finally! So there's some flowers on the rather weak looking plant. New growth is supposed to be a lighter green but this is not a good look. It needs fertilizer and so do the new cilantro sprouts

Itty bitty tiny babies, good thing the weather is cool, which is likely why they are sprouting now. They are definitely not a summer plant. Most leafy veggies aren't so you'll see spinach, lettuces and all the cruciferous types in fall and winter. (I covered this before)

It is definitely cooler right now for the past few days, fog in early morning turning into patchy cloud cover doesn't dissipate during the day. It's warm enough for say a windbreaker or sweater depending on what you're doing. So this is prime weather for doing stuff in the garden...and I'm broke.

Such is my life: I will have money but no time, then have time but no money. The garden, as I said is a non-essential and is no more than a hobby. Oh the things I said I would be doing..... and now not sure if we're going to be here another year.

Meanwhile back at the garden, you can see by the pictures how sandy and rocky the soil is. Any organic matter is just floating on top so it's hard to get it incorporated. A better garden would have 90% organic and 10% inorganic. 

One of the first things I covered in this blog was soils and given the nature of my soil, that's about the ratio I would need for ideal growing. I would also have to make walls in order to contain the resulting increase in volume. I would be adding about two to three inches of soil level and that requires more engineering and building that I have neither time nor energy to do at this time.

So garden is on hiatus at this point and will see what happens in the next month or so.

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