Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Got out yesterday to take pictures and check on things

 No wind whatsoever yesterday which both the weather people and my own experience told me that there would be wind today as well as rain. Bingo!

I didn't even water yesterday because it has been cold and overcast for a few days and I knew it would rain today. The cilantro is still plugging along and the tomato is actually looking pretty good for color and growth.

There are still low spots that are dark from being damp still you can see in front of the tomato, that's also where the compost type stuff settles. Still can't get into the bed sufficiently to dig out the grass weeds at the back and honestly would rather have a 'hula' hoe or stirrup hoe to do that well. I have a regular 'chopping' type hoe that is okay but not ideal.

It's getting closer to Christmas and I haven't been much of anywhere that has an abundance of pointsettias for the first time in almost 25 years. Rather shocking I don't have to deal with the 'red tide' and sad looking, under watered, broken plants. I did go to the local HD and they had so little Christmas out it was scary but also expected. People got there early and cleaned them out as well as supplies are delayed due to dozens of container ships sitting off the coast waiting to offload from last year. Yes... last year.  The supplies for holidays on these ships won't likely get to the stores until June or July of next year. 

Anyway that has nothing and yet something to do with gardening. Some tools, supplies, accessories and such that come from overseas may be on those ships. The weather impacts shipping locally as well with tornadoes and flooding and hurricanes all affecting the same supply chain.

Gardening goes on one way or another, it is a constant and yet intermittent 'seasonal' track that improvisation can make new tools instead of buying something. Using seeds from existing vegetables for the next season planting and stretching the growing season of an existing plant (tomato) to see if it will produce next year. Fertilizer is a little more problematic unless you have a source of cow/steer/horse/chicken manure or a thriving compost pile. Eggshells for calcium, but that takes a while to break down. I'm tempted to pick one of the lemons on the lemon bush and use the juice around the tomato and cilantro. I have lemon and lime juice in the fridge but that's for cooking and not going to squander it on my garden as an experiment.

Today is blustery and rainy, wonderful change and I'm sure if I lived where it did this almost every day I wouldn't be as okay with it. Still better than 95-102 and 65% humidity for days on end. Water is good for the Earth this sort of rain is perfect as it is a gentle constant drizzle that doesn't overpower the absorption of the soil too quickly. 

No job in sight so I applied for social security as official retirement. That will bring in some money and will see if there is enough to buy garden supplies once in a while.

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