Tuesday, December 7, 2021

There is water falling from the sky finally!

 After I watered the tomato and cilantro yesterday of course. The rain is not enough to really penetrate the dirt and barely washes the dirt of my car but at least it is rain we need though still not enough to thoroughly soak the ground

I didn't take any pictures when I watered for some reason or other. Not much progress there so same ol' same ol'. I did water the other empty bed just because it helps with microbes and such, as well as the compost pile. 

So no pictures this time around, nothing even from previous days because I already used some of those that are pertinent to gardening. Since it's drizzling don't need to water and it's cold so plants aren't growing very much. Oh! I did throw some more pepper seeds where the other pepper was after I watered. Wrong time of year for that but who knows what will happen by spring. We aren't due any really warm weather for months from  now on, not that we're like back east or up north with weather but we usually have day temps in the 70's most days. The soil cools down as well which is another factor people don't consider with some plants.

It's not just air temperature but soil as well that determines how fast a plant grows. When you see some seed packets that say 'after the last frost' that means the weather warms sufficiently that the ground will start warming.

Another point: when does it frost? Why does it frost?

Frost is air condensation that has frozen. It is a combination of air moisture (condensation), no wind and low temperatures. What you need to look for on the weather is 'dew point', that is the temperature at which condensation will form in the air and create 'dew' on the plants and ground. 

 So you can see from this screenshot, today the wind is non-existent, humidity is relatively high (if this were summer we would be melting), Dew Point is the temperature at which moisture will form in the air. It may well get down that far but it depends on where we are and how long it stays below that temperature. The combination of no wind, possible low temperatures and the skies have to be clear is the other part of the formula. We could get some frost in low lying areas, we have a lot of hills and valleys and some areas will be in a frost area and others will not. According to the weather and from what my old 'weather sense' says, it won't get down to 50 in the next 24 hours, 53 is predicted for most areas. We are currently cloudy which means it is holding the ambient warmth from the city a bit high so for the most part, no frost conditions yet.

And there you have your garden weather lesson for the day. Science!



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