Saturday, January 1, 2022

New year, hopefully better things coming.

 It is a gorgeous mostly clear day with very little to no wind whatsoever, which is to be expected after two days of crazy wind. Will be clear for a day or two then go back to being cloudy but not as much rain. We've got great snowpack and groundwater for now which, if we don't get any more rain or snow will dissipate by the time summer comes. 

I was able to get a couple of photos on my walk with Rocky yesterday and today. The tomato is still hanging in there and there's some green 'fuzz' growing in the dirt.

It is not likely true moss but more likely grass seeds coming up from all the weeds that were in the other beds over the summer. I didn't get a chance to get close unfortunately so another chance next time.  It is the time of year for moss but also for seeds to come up so could be both.

So early morning shot, well not that early I usually don't get out there until around 11 so there's a lot of shade but since it's after the solstice, that will slowly diminish for the next three months, yay! 

Jan 1 10:55 a.m.

I had to explain to someone the direction of the garden and he thought it was going to be in shade all day given the google maps picture he saw and that it was between a wall and a building (Hi Neeks!). I told him google maps is greatly outdated and this area gets sun for 8+ hours a day in summer and (as the picture shows) shade almost all winter. The sun rises just behind the far corner of the building and is at such a low angle you can imagine there's very little time for sun to hit everywhere before the wall gets in the way.

I got some more ideas on what seeds to plant right now which are all good, but my dirt is not ready. Carrots and lettuce, spinach, peas and as you can see, there is very little sun so I think I'm stuck with later spring and summer planting. Granted leafy things don't mind shade but this is a bit too much. If it's clear like this, it might get about an hour or two of sun but that would likely only fall on the tomato and maybe the lemon. Something else to point out is look at that reflected light on the south wall. Bright enough to cast a vague shadow which is okay but still considered a shady situation. Ahhh. ahahaahaa. heheh.

If I had access to that North wall where the wood pile is, I'd be golden for planting things all year round. Going to see about maybe moving the wood to the back corner next to the jade plant. Of course, checking with management first but I don't think it should be a problem. In fact it might be better because it can be causing all kinds of issues against the building. I hope the little lizard I saw in there over the summer doesn't mind. I may leave a few logs just for it to have a home on the sunny side of the garden keep it there for eating bugs and stuff. 

So it's a waiting game as I've said, I really really want to get out and get some walking on the trails but have to wait for some money so my walking partner can get some new shoes. Spring is so gorgeous in the canyons and sadly I discovered that one of my favorite canyon trails is closed indefinitely and I haven't found out why yet. Only thing I can surmise at this point is they put a new light rail trolley track near the farthest west end of it and haven't fenced it off maybe? Not sure. When I find out I will mention it here.

Happy New year and may everyone's garden grow well!

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