Thursday, February 3, 2022

Day 3 and not much else going on

 Remembered my garden basket with the boosted spray bottle and saw the two little potatoes in there and said, 'soon my cuties...soon' (or something like that in my head). The oxalis and other plants did show some signs of damage from the spray but not consistent.

Brown splotches
Definite damage area

After spraying again

 I sprayed both and some other ones really well this time. Need to get a better sprayer though, this one is too small for my hand and kept catching my little finger on the trigger.

No seedlings yet but it's only been what, four or five days or so? Not enough time. I watered and then extricated the black plastic border out and it is just the perfect size for the area I want to use!

I am hoping to be able to dig that area out and amend it for my potatoes and maybe a pepper by summer. It was in 1 foot sections and thought of separating it if I needed. Some of the 'joints' were actually a tube for putting a metal stake in. I'll have to go find some of those next week. The hole is about the size of the kind of stakes you get for the giant inflatables at Christmas. Will see what I can find. Also will see if roots from that Jade have invaded that area. It is really uneven ground due to pulling up and digging out larger weeds a week or so ago. Easy to level, just have to mark the boundary because I don't have a square spade that would make it easier to do that.

I was scrolling through FB and saw one of the 'reels' that come up (30 second snippets people record), scrolled through a few and then saw a guy who made a semi spiral garden for his veggies. Of course I can't find that now and it was a lot of flat land so it was not likely anywhere near a city.

Spiral garden

That was a quick sketch I did, the brown star in the middle is a teepee frame trellis but nothing was planted on it. There was room enough to walk around the trellis and in between the rows without crowding. The video showed him creating the furrows for the plants then cut to everything grown and looking gorgeous. That's what I want to be able to do someday. It must have been about 20 by 20 feet maybe bigger but I'm sure a smaller version of it could be done. I did 8 divisions in a mirror effect to get the spirals right. A straight row star shape would work as well but the curves give better sun exposure in all directions. Very cool idea!

So anyway, off to bed. Not much else to talk about today.

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