Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Cloudy, breezy after a full day of rain.

 Yesterday was rain from about 10 am to wee hours of dark so didn't go outside. It rained. All day. Not drizzle, but downpour, light rain then more heavy rain.... and cold. Never got out of the high 50's yesterday so despite that I had the window open and enjoyed the sound and smell of copious amounts of water falling from the sky.

Free water.

Anyway, cool, dare I say cold and breezy today with high puffy white clouds drifting in a clear blue sky.

Now if I could get some free soil I would be all set for planting before Christmas. Better, unblurred picture of the bed full of leaves after the rain. Now looking at it I suddenly remembered the bucket with the bags and my gloves in it behind there. Dangit.

The corner where I threw some of the logs now have leaves piled up due to the winds before the rain. The pepper is very well watered and still doing good.

Looking at the ground around the new bed I saw mud splatter and telltale signs of roof drip. Looking up, sure enough there is a corner with no gutters on it. I have the bed luckily enough moved to the right sufficiently that it misses the drip corner. Most of the gutters haven't been cleaned completely in decades I suspect. They cleaned the leaves out last winter on the other side of our building where the trees are but didn't clean any of the other gutters. You can see the channel the drip edge of the eaves made behind the pepper as well.

Not like we live in Washington state or where there's a lot of rain but we do get rain and have to act accordingly.

A very soft spot in the dirt sufficiently that my foot sank a good half inch or more. I was afraid it was going to be slippery mud but there's enough sand in the soil and it had dried just a tad enough that wasn't an issue. All of the gopher holes looked flooded and filled with mud, no activity of course. I never wish harm on animals (some insects included) but this one, I hope they got flooded out.

Oh and taking Rocky for his walk this morning and the new tenant at the end of the building downstairs where the Jade plant had been lopped off, seems she's fixed up that little corner and planted a plumeria. Couldn't get a good picture because she was standing there talking to her mother (?). And after Rocky greeted them we chatted for a bit and she asked if we needed any aloe very over there and I said no. I told her about my raised bed and she said she has some seeds and if she finds them she'll let me know. 

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