Tuesday, February 22, 2022

More wind and rain and seedlings!!!

I didn't go out to the garden this morning immediately due to it being drizzly rain. Went out and ran some errands, had lunch then decided to go take a look anyway.  Ho hum, radishes are still being eaten... soil is wet so don't have to worry about watering.

Cilantro is going good, got rid of that pest seed and had to pull up the cilantro that I had tried to bury deeper. Checked the north bed for any progress, a few weeds sprouting, check the other bed...

Rosemary sprig planted right on top of the tomato that's not doing well. Sigh.

Wait a second...the other radishes...and

The carrots are finally breaking through!

Well this is going to be awkward. Yes those are carrots coming up, I remember what they look like and know that I planted them there. YAYAYAYAYAY!

Will have to be careful thinning those out as the soil is really a bit dense for carrots. Don't have to thin them right now, can wait until their much bigger but the radish seedlings are going to be interesting to say the least.

Hoping the north bed is energized by the cooler weather and start sprouting as well. Big difference between the weed grass seedlings and the carrots.

 Hard to see but the little single green leaves coming up are not anything I planted. Those are from the grass weeds at the back of the bed. Completely different than the carrots for sure, certainly not peas or radish.

The weather is blustery and cloudy with spitting occasional rain. It's wonderful for staying inside and doing other warm and cuddly stuff. Right. I broke out an infinity scarf a friend had gifted me with and it's keeping my neck nice and toasty.

Different topic but related to gardening, they're called Temperature Scarf or Temperature Blanket. You assign a different color for ranges of temperatures and every day you knit/crochet a row or two or however many you want for that day, then the next day do the same on and on for a year. It's a wonderful project for gardening because it reinforces checking the weather to see what color you'll be using. Technically you use cool colors for colder temps and warmer for higher temps so it give a wonderful rainbow effect. It takes a bit of math but there are lots of patterns to help with that.

Anyway, wonder if it could be adapted to growing seeds? Brown for dirt, one row for each day before they sprout, then when seeds start sprouting add in a green color assigned to whatever is coming up and then change to whatever color the vegetable is when you harvest. Innnteresting.

But yes, cloudy  and rainy weather means no gardening today other than checking in. Yay!

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