Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Got out and watered again

 Warm and dry, breezy, repeat until further notice.

I did take the vinegar bottle with me to spray the little weedlings that were coming up. The wind blows through the garden from front to back, i.e. away from my desirable plants but I put my hand between the spray and the carrots as a precaution and sure enough felt some on the back of my hand.

Also sprayed a patch out in the middle of nowhere just for a more visible track on the spraying. I cannot say enough about how well the cilantro is doing. Carrots are showing progress a bit but being roots, it may be a while before they start showing secondary leaves.

I was going to find a log or something to put up as a barrier when I sprayed but nothing was tall enough and didn't want to fumble it and end up dropping it on the things I was trying to protect. For obvious reasons I didn't water the south bed where I had just sprayed vinegar. I also sprayed a little patch of weeds behind the tomato and may have gotten water on those but no biggie.

If it doesn't cool down in the next week or so I will be looking at another few plants or just take all my seeds and randomly throw them out onto the beds and water them in. If they come up they come up, if not... Plan B. 

 I stuck my finger in to try and scoop some soil onto the top of one of the potatoes that was poking through and I hit hard mud. Good luck getting potatoes to grow through that! I just might get some 3 gallon buckets, cut the bottoms off and put them in the location where the holes are. Fill those with potting soil maybe cactus mix for the sand factor and drainage. I do have that window box planter I could grow Thumbelina carrots or other small variety in. All talk and no progress as usual. If ideas were dollars I'd be a millionaire.

IF I get another bag of compost I'll likely work it in around the potato holes for putting maybe a pepper or two. Mix some more in over by the tomato also since everything is working down to the same gravelly clay soil with very little organic matter.

Haven't had a chance to do the soil test yet and in an hour will have to start dinner prep so it may have to wait either until tonight or tomorrow.

It truly is wonderful weather though, a bit of a chill breeze but still very nice and if I lived somewhere with a forest in my backyard I would be walking a lot more. We have to make do with what we have and the same is true for gardening. No shade cloth? Make one out of criss crossed logs. No weedkiller? Use vinegar that counts as food too. Make your own raised bed out of discarded plastic border.

One thing I will not do is use old tires for a planter unless it's the only thing available and would not be putting vegetables in it. I've seen them used around roses which is fine, but my issue is water and dirt filling up the cavity of the tire. You can purposely fill it with dirt but then what's the purpose? The dirt will just erode away. Now I suppose you could bury most of the tire in the ground but what end? with only the wall of the tire showing..unless you paint it, it's rather ugly. So there are some things that you can 'recycle' in the garden and some you shouldn't.

Speaking of recycling, the tangerine peels are still there, a little drier and not sure if the bugs are going after those or not. I can eat a few more and put them out and see. The apple peel I just threw on top of the pile and didn't bury so it's curling up and drying out. Need to chop that up a bit as well. Might have to look into something to contain the scraps and dirt for the compost pile.

Pretty day, a bit better mood at least.

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