Saturday, April 2, 2022

More invaders need intervention

 So it's overcast today, cool and breezy so no watering needed. Got out and looked over the tomato and plants, took pictures as usual and then noticed something on the tomato. ::screeching violins:: Spider Mites! This has happened due to how crowded the plant is and made for nice cozy places for them to set up home. In itself, they aren't going to do much but that many, bad news in a box. Not good to let them continue to run rampant as they will spread to the other plants.







I was able to head to HD and pick up some spray and also got two packets of seeds. The spray will be applied later today and the seeds will go in tomorrow morning. Weather willing and doesn't rain, which it looks like might happen before dark right now. Which foils my plant to spray before dark. Oh well.

I picked up Black Seeded Simpson lettuce and Dwarf Bolero Marigolds. Dwarf due to not wanting huge honking tall type right there and they do best at just doing what they do. They're pretty orange and red as well. These are the little 'French' type marigolds which is just fine.

The spray is Bonide Rose Rx and is just Neem oil. That's all I need right now for the mites. There were three products on the shelf that were supposedly for three different applications....they all had the same ingredients. marketing, gotta tell ya. They were all canola oil and pyrethrins, which I could have likely used but I know Neem works for what I need to do and went with that one.

The planting instructions for the lettuce says Jan-March or Aug-Dec. Running a little late for the spring planting but the shady South bed should still be okay. The marigolds are a summer crop so planting now is perfect. I looked at a couple of articles about marigolds and nematodes and once again, information is spread with the accuracy decreasing with every person it is told. Marigolds are only marginally effective against nematodes and act as an attractor to draw them potentially away from the plants you want to save. The plants can be dug into the garden afterward as a minor inoculation but not 100% eradication.

 7-10 days for germination, 45 days to harvest. I just might have to get another spray i realized due to caterpillars particularly liking lettuce. Supposed to be planted in 18" rows 6" apart. how about one row 12" and as many as I want to throw in the ground and thin them out later? The seed planting calendars are going to have to be adjusted due to climate change. It's getting warmer a bit earlier and staying longer where I am. We've got perfect spring weather right now and next week it will be summer. Go figure. It says lettuce needs lots of moisture... sooooo more watering and compost in the soil would be ideal. The marigolds will be fine, they love the warm weather and are supposed to be up in 6-8 days, faster than radishes by golly! Days to bloom is another thing though, 35-50. That takes it well into summer for sure if they survive and thrive. I almost picked up actual plants but what the heck, seeds are fun and a challenge. 

 When you're debating on whether to get plants or seeds you need to consider pros and cons of both, coupled with the time of year and if you are even more impatient than I am as a gardener. Seeds take more time and if you want something more immediately, then plants are the way to go. If you're doing it with the proper timing and can wait without biting your nails, go for the seeds. I'm doing okay with my seeds so far, not 100% but enough to be happy in the garden.

Meanwhile back at the garden....











The potatoes are being munched on by something, likely a caterpiller, possibly snail or slug. I've been keeping the garden moist so not surprising but look at the area around the plants. Nothing and dry dirt everywhere. Will take a look at the back side of the leaves when I go out to spray. Might hit those with the spray as well but what I bought won't do much to anything but beetles.

The peas are climbing! Yes indeed they're doing what they need to do and I'm feeling like a proud mama in the garden they're doing so good. Just hope the smaller ones catch up soon.

My sweetie was trying to help me pick out some lettuce seeds and drew my attention to a larger pack of a 'gourmet lettuce' mix. I told him I don't have enough room for all of that. It would take up all the beds so what I got was just fine. I'll likely use that small trough I dug with the chopstick for the lettuce and intermix the marigolds in the north bed.

Oh one thing that I noticed the other day and forgot to mention. The lady with the other beds pinched off the head of all her Fenugreek. Not knowing how to grow or even use it, not sure if that's what you're supposed to do but will not judge her on that. As long as she's not growing weeds, I'm fine with it.

That tomato, I tell ya.  I'm really going to have to thin it out before I spray and then throw the clippings in the trash. Don't want to take chances of the mites going from the compost pile to the other plants. Potatoes can be an attractor for them so definitely not taking any chances.

I am sincerely hoping to have the money to make a proper tomato and pea fence next time. If we're even here. Have to take it day by day and try to plan for the future best I can.

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