Thursday, April 14, 2022

Short post, things to do.

 Clear, breezy and cool today. Got down into the high 40's overnight! Yeesh! By 11 a.m. it was up to 58 with the sun shining and warming things up.

I believe the onions are coming up in the south bed! Yay!

 Hard to see even with the frames around it. But they're little vertical spikes different than anything else in the bed so has to be onions. Crossing fingers they grow even if there's only two or three, that's enough for me!

The ground seems to be chewed up around the pea cage and some of the seedlings are trampled. The stray cat I suspect has been through jumping down or up the wall. As long as there are still some left I'm not going to worry about 'incidental' thinning at this point.

The 'framed' (so it can be seen easier) onion seedling has one behind it as well so that's two. Man they're slow and it's going to be months before they're big enough to harvest, if they last that long!




Didn't realize how crooked the cage was that I put in the north bed. Oh well, they'll survive. Everything was still damp enough I didn't water, will try and remember in the evening but if not for sure will water tomorrow morning.




 The issue with going out every day is progress seems so slow. But it's needed to do that because of it being an open garden and subject to the vagaries and whims of weather, invaders and such. 

 The tomatoes and potatoes are just plugging along. Lettuce seedlings behind the potatoes are still going as well. The plan is by the time the lettuce is bigger the potatoes will shade them from the summer sun. Hoping the lettuce is done before I have to pull the potatoes.

One last picture, another flower is blooming. This is crocosmia and I think I took a picture of it way back when I first started this blog when it was in full bloom.

A few flower spikes on there so it should be giving flowers for a while. One more 'flower' I made a sunflower for breakfast.

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