Monday, May 1, 2023

Should have known weather was changing. Happy May Day!

 Started getting windy yesterday and sure enough, clouds came in the evening. Typical 'May Gray' style but today, more wind and cloud cover is not breaking. According to the weather app we may have some rain by Thursday. There may have been another cutworm in the bed, one onion had a fresh cut on it.

But then there are flowers.

Looks like two flowers a day right now and the flower stems are just going to make a wonderful show. They look like they'll all bloom about the same time which will be wonderful! 

Dark and cloudy skies and the wind blowing the flag almost horizontal gives an idea of the weather for the next few days. Actually had to put my jacket on when I was walking Rocky.

The wind is coming from the NW(ocean?) with that direction. Typically it's coming from the other direction or not at all. Barely a breeze yesterday and walking under the flag and it taps me on the head.


Wish I had some use or someone to give all that cilantro to, that's just leaves pulled off the stalks on one side and the back. Creamy cilantro dressing on chicken is on the menu for tomorrow. 

Everything else is looking good other than that. Examined the onions and there was only one that seemed to have new damage. All the others were brown around the edges and the one that was fresh cut had possible black shmutz on the inside. Sure sign of cutworms.

Backing up to last evenings foray where I needed a jacket to go out at dusk.

I decided to take the onions I was sprouting in the kitchen down and intended to plant them around the edges of the raised bed. I realized that was going to be a bit crowded and decided to try the south bed.

In the process of taking them down there and separating them, many of the longer leaves were creased. This morning when I went out I just snapped them off and tossed them in the compost bucket. I then watered because, despite the soil being moist and weather being cool, they were used to water.


Decided to pick a few pea pods, they tasted good. Not fantastic but tasted like peas, go figure.  Just don't want them going too far ready but again, I'm an impatient gardener.


Speaking of onions, I saw there were a few seedlings that needed shifting/thinning so I rearranged the front row of the smaller seedlings and spread them out a bit more. Hopefully I didn't damage the roots too badly. There was a clump of four or six that I separated and tossed two of the smaller ones. More than enough onions to last me all summer for sure.
The tomatoes are still doing great, though there's one that is a bit more yellow than the others that concerns me. I rearranged them so the doubles were on the left and I think it's the one that I transplanted first before the others.  I gave them a bit of water as well.









As I was ruffling up the soil again in front of the peas I disturbed two large worms. Yay for worms! I really hope I'll be able to get more soil at the end of the season to give the bed more root room. Very concerning that I only dig down about six inches or less and hit leaves and logs. Already planning ahead and the current season is barely started. But that's what a gardener/farmer does, looking ahead to the next season and planning.

Oh, that rose hip that I nicked from the Angel Face rose is a dud sadly. More soft shell than seeds and I tossed the other rose seeds I planted. Will have to research more about how and when to get the seeds. Will be watching the hybrid teas in the other garden for sure in the late summer/fall for rose hips. I was basically doing it the right way but with a few extra steps missed with the original hips but not like I won't be seeing any more roses right?

Now as for planning ahead in a garden, large gardens that are production situations is actually easier than a smaller garden. Less room means less variety and fewer opportunities for rotating crops. Since I have a raised bed, and will hopefully be able to use the north bed, some rotation will happen but the best place to grow things is still the raised bed. 

I have a good variety right now, including the tomatoes. What I'm growing right now are spring veggies (other than the tomatoes) and by the time summer hits fully the peas and cilantro will be gone, tomatoes will be in full swing and the onions may also be gone. The jury is still out on the garlic as it's starting to get some yellowing that is worrying me.

After some research, it may be nitrogen deficiency. Maybe? It's not virus or rust so it looks like I might have to add more food over there as well as maybe extra coffee grounds. I have plenty of that for sure! Will have to side dress maybe with some of the compost and actual coffee grounds around there. Lowers the pH as well so that's a good thing.

So sidetracked on the garlic, more garden planning next time.


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