Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Still warm but not that bad and beans!

 Well the weather is holding warm but breezy though still not comfortable temps. It only gets worse from here out unfortunately.

The roses are blooming and the iris are continuing. Why did they only plant yellow? Another shot of the bougainvillea as well that is just busting out!

Yes! A lavender rose with red edges and of course I'd hazard a guess it might be Angel Face but I owned one and that's not it Fragrant Plum is more likely. The peach colored one is very fragrant and I think last year I thought it was a Tiffany but again, don't know for sure. I stood in the shade for the boug picture and shaded the phone with my hand so it's much darker than it is but still a good color.

 Even the wild purslane is blooming! Downstairs neighbor has two cultivated portulaca in hanging pots that I think she got last year because they were blooming really well. Just starting to put a few flowers out right now. 

 I do believe those new sprouts are actually BEANS! After all this and they're finally coming up! Wow! So now have to wait for those to get bigger so I can transplant them to the north bed. They're both close to the lettuce and peas and I think there's a third one as well so they have to get moved. Will sacrifice the north peas, maybe move those behind the potatoes?

Then there's this injustice:

Remember that fantastic planter bed that has the plumeria and all the plants that they cut back or removed? Well TWO bags of those honking 3 cf garden soil are sitting out there. Really? You freaking don't need that much soil for that small bed! Those weigh 50lbs each or more, I know, I've tried to pick them up and 45 is my limit. They must be on sale or something but I would need to move it with the dolly and one of those would amend all three beds there's that much soil in there.

Anyway... hoping to get my new glasses today and news of more money. Just keep growing, just keep growing.....

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