Sunday, May 22, 2022

Warmer day, watering done

 Today is a shorts and t shirt day compared to yesterday that was a heavy shirt and pants day. Started a bit cloudy but it cleared about an hour ago (around 11am) so definitely a nice day.

The hawk is still in the nest but heard the crows and it calling this morning for a while. Will be glad when it's finally out of the nest and everyone settles down for a while.

Garden seemed undisturbed but discovered something I forgot in my rush to clean up yesterday.

 I am so glad no one else checked the garden today before I did! I also noticed the tomatoes were still there which I kind of figured so I brought those home and on the way, my hands were so full the largest one fell and split on the sidewalk. Not to waste anything I went back for it.

I cut it open and was not surprised at the coloring, tasted pretty good too, though another week on the vine would have sweetened it.

There were more gopher holes in the corner and actually in the compost pile as well. Just stay over there nuisance and don't dig in my beds.

Other than that, the peas are still flowering and putting out pods, watered the ground really well and still getting antsy about pulling up the potato bush.

Just gotta keep them watered and hope we have May Gray for a while longer. (Just saw one of the hawk parents glide up to the nest from hunting and a smaller chirp answering... makes me smile.)

View from my desk. The jacaranda outside my window and in a direct line and a little to the left on the other side of the fence is the tree where the hawks are. So when I say I saw the hawk swoop in, they come from the right where the pepper tree is (but not from there) and spread their wings to brake for landing in the tree. So, yeah when I hear a ruckus outside it is practically right outside my window.

Still wondering what to put in the big empty spot where the tomato was. Something that won't take over for sure, or maybe find one of those bush cucumbers. Not nearly enough fertilizer in there for sure and technically can't plant anything until I get more.

Those lettuces are about ready to harvest, it's Black Seeded Simpson so they aren't a big head but should be about the size of my hands put together and if I do pick them, going to use all of those in one salad. This is why they plant so much lettuce, need a lot to make multiple salads. That will be replanted in the fall for sure, I think I have seeds left....

I might get some Black Oil Sunflower seedlings from a friend that called this morning to catch up on things. They have a birdfeeder on their balcony right over their planter boxes. I told her I would take some off her hands but only a few given how small an area I have. I would put them behind the potato and at the back of the North bed as well. As far as sunflowers go, they're not a big head eating type, but they do get tall, anywhere from 5 to 10 feet so that would be fun. She said the flowers get more 'bouquet' size flowers but still, I think those two beds would work out.

Breezy and sunny and another wonderful day.

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And.... rampaging mammals again.

 We got some serious rain over the week. Some places reported almost four inches! I don't know how much we got but it was a nice gentle ...