Monday, June 6, 2022

It's definitely warm and humid today

 Definitely sticky today and looked at the weather app and it's 52% humidity and 78° with some breeze. Supposed to get up to 80 today which wouldn't be bad but for the increased humidity. Bleh.

Watered thoroughly again today, got all three beds because they all needed it. Going to be clear and very warm for the next several days, if not indefinitely for the season.

Big difference 24 hours can make with our weather. Should be able to pick some peas in the next few days, they're filling out very nicely. I suspect the dying off at the base is not just the weather but also, much like determinate tomatoes, it signals the end of the season for them.

There are more lizard holes which I am happy to see but also makes me cringe remembering them when I was little and thinking they were snake holes as well as a trip hazard. I know, don't have to worry about either of those but it's still there. After watering pictures of the marigolds doing wonderful and peas almost ready.

 What to plant next?

I know the concept of the 'three sisters' but it isn't feasible for me to plant corn and squash in one spot, just don't have the room. The reason I mention this is figuring out what to plant next. A friend has some seeds she'll be sending me, her selections were two types of sunflower (dwarf and mammoth), watermelon, Blue Lake 274 beans and Gherkin cucumbers. I told her the beans and the dwarf sunflowers would be all I can handle at this point. Hoping I can get some amendment into the beds as well.

So... where to put them? I toyed with the idea of putting watermelon where the potatoes were but I've seen how big watermelon vines get. It would swallow all available space at that end of the garden and then some. No chance. The sunflowers are 'Dwarf Sunspot' and only going to get about 2 feet tall so actually they can go in the North bed and the Blue Lake 274 beans are bush so those get about 3 feet tops. I can hopefully use the tomato cages combined with the poles and green wire for those in the potato bed. Marigolds are going to be there for a while so have to plant around them. Maybe fit only about three or four beans in the potato bed. One or two toward the front of the south bed (where it gets the most sun) and one or two in the north bed with a few sunflowers behind the marigolds. 

The beans will be ready to harvest about 55 days after planting. Right. That's about a month and a half, plenty of time even for successive planting since our growing season is warm all the way to October,  but.... the sun position will only be good on the north side of the garden by then. I can chance it but beans are also susceptible to mildew so have to likely switch over to the cool season veggies by September or October despite the weather.

And finally... flowers and interesting things you find in an older garden. A bead of all things.

I had just finished watering and saw a glint in the dirt, could have been a piece of mica or glass. I moved back and forth a bit and it glinted in a familiar way, reached down and sure enough, faceted bead. Likely glass but honestly..where the heck did they get this dirt from to have pieces of pottery and beads in it?

The lilies are still blooming, just the two flowers, maybe another bud coming on, and the plain but nice Nandina flowers. Why take a picture of those? Because no matter the flower, it's a sign of hope and the future. 

Unless it's ragweed.


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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...