Friday, June 24, 2022

Way late start due to morning being boooked.

 Another day in the low 90's so before heading out at 9:30 this morning, we buttoned up and came home to comfortable temperatures inside. Hardly a breeze stirring these days making it very stifling outside on top of the heat.

Didn't get out to water until 1pm and was relieved to see the last marigold still there but dismayed there were digging signs.

Two dirt piles, one on either side of the border, I had noticed the one on the outside before but now... it's heading straight for the other marigold if not there already. It was too hot or I would have grabbed the shovel and dug it in on that side of the marigold and leave it there to delay the inevitable. There was also a dirt pile in the neighbor bed as well, she had gotten out earlier to water.

Another sunflower is popping up and maybe cucumbers?? You can see a seedling in the south bed..(soon to be renamed 'the gopher bed' at this rate) which I thought I had planted cucumbers there but the leaves are the same as the sunflowers coming up in the north bed.

You can also see how the pieces of bark are trapping the water around it in the bed. It was definitely bone dry where it was exposed to the sun. I was too much in a hurry to water and get back inside to flip pieces over before watering. Hard to see the sunflowers coming up and am surprised those are coming up faster than the beans.

I saw a quick video where a woman was moaning about the fact that she planted beans early and her brother planted his late and his are leaps and bounds ahead of hers. Now, that's likely in the midwest somewhere and she was complaining because it was a contest between the two and she has to listen to his boasting for a whole year. Hahaha.

I am not expecting the other marigold to be there tomorrow. If it's still there I will take some of my precious garlic and cut it into pieces to dig into the soil around it and the seedling at the back. All over basically just for insurance. Have to find a good strong onion as well and do the same, hot pepper flakes maybe?

Can only cross my fingers that it leaves my north bed and fence bed alone.

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