Thursday, July 14, 2022

If it's not the gopher it's the snails.

 Left my phone upstairs but retrieved it after watering. The pepper in the bucket has transplant shock unfortunately and, once again, I know what it needs but don't have the money to spend on it.










The bean did not survive  the night but I have started an experiment, 'planted' some beans in a paper egg carton. Keeping it damp is difficult like the garden and doubt anything will happen given my luck with beans apparently.

Trusty overseeing helper there for whatever reason thought I was doing something of interest to him. So watered and once again saw that the one pepper in the front was loose in the soil, it just looks like it was pushed up but not eaten so I had to add some soil in it's immediate surroundings and push it down a bit.











The sunflowers are at least very happy. Only thing that's bothering them are snails, and the one at the fence is pestered the most. Oh when I got to the garden at this spot before watering, I startled a lizard that scurried off to the woodpile. I am happy for the little reptiles really. Whatever is over at this end of the bed seems to be attractive to them. Maybe looking for slugs and other bugs under the bark I put out? Go for it guys!

 Hang in there guys! Come on cucumbers you can do it! Please don't let the gophers get them!

I'm not expecting anything good any time soon and that means we may not be here by the end of the year. The plants will survive as long as I'm taking care of them, but if/when we do leave I'm going to have to rip anything and everything out because no one else will notice them unless I put a note up somewhere saying something.

Oh well. More on that when things happen.


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