Monday, July 18, 2022

Same dry dusty dirt

Warmer today, no wind, no rain even though 7 years ago we had a torrential rainstorm. Either it will happen later or not at all this year. I got out to the garden before 11 surprisingly, but that's a good thing because it is much too warm/hot outside to do anything. We're already closed up for the day but have to go out and get a case of water.

Everything is still hanging in there, I am now convinced that the damage on the sunflowers is from water sitting on the leaves. I recall it happening when we would get them in at the nursery or garden area. I don't have the luxury of a drip system or spitters so overhead will have to be it. No further sign of rodents in my area but did see some more divots in the pile and in the corner.










Still holding my breath on those cucumbers, and if sunflowers are the bane of gophers I will gladly surround my beds with them.

Hard to take good pictures of the pepper flowers but they are still there, though one is kind of turning brownish which means too much water. Dangit. If the flowers are browning without the swelling of fruit behind it.... and the sunflowers are... supposed to be much taller.

The soil is really soft which is contrary to what it looks like. I remember first digging that fence bed and having to water it first before I could get a shovel in. Now I can plow my trowel or shovel in and it's almost the consistency of good dirt. Now that could be from the gophers loosening for me, which I did encounter what felt like a tunnel so dug around a bit more just to hopefully tick the gopher off.

I am anxious for cooler weather for a number of reasons. The gopher will have hopefully moved on and the prospect of growing lettuce, onions and radishes again. Circle the beds with onions and garlic like wagons in an old western. 

I was looking up holes and pests and one possibility (not likely being in the open) is rats. I'm still betting on gophers but with the log pile there, I also noticed some dirt in the middle of the logs too so it's entirely possible that either gophers or rats are both nesting there..  might have to tell the new manager about that to pass on to the owner. Sorry lizards, you'll have to use the jade bush for a home if the log pile goes away. Will take a picture of the corner of the garden and the log pile tomorrow.

I may not be posting over the coming weekend due to going to ComiCon. I will definitely get out and water but it's an hour trip to get to the convention center by car/trolley so that shoots a good portion of our day. A staycation if you will of the geek type. 

Wish it would rain...

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