Thursday, August 25, 2022

Holding pattern but news.

 Another blistering hot day, closed up before noon due to needing to go to the grocery store and it was comfortable when we got back. Nice.

I went to the garden briefly to make sure everything was still standing, wilting but standing so just insert pictures from previous days and nothing has changed.

I was able to ask the asst manager about putting the raised bed in and he had to call the maintenance guy because 'it's his property'. Apparently he thought I was going to put in something grandiose or something. Anyway yes, I can put it in, but they don't take any responsibility for it and I have to take it with me when I move out. Good enough, kind of what I expected anyway but it will have to wait for a bit longer for the weather and money to get soil.

I measured just in case and the fence bed is the spot that will fit at this time. It's level and bigger than what I need so that's set. I only used five feet of the wire netting so I have plenty left as a base under the frame. I might do some more math and see how much I need and if there's enough to put around/under the other north bed.

On my morning perambulation with Rocky I noticed a few things that were still good for where we are.

Clear and vibrant blue skies set behind deep green trees.  I looked up to see what kind of airplane was flying overhead and noticed the color just needed to be shared.

Then on the way back to the apartment the chirping twitter of the resident Anna's hummingbird. The window in the lower right picture is our kitchen window. This is the jacaranda tree on the corner of the building that the downstairs neighbor has hung her wind chimes and decorations from as well as hummingbird feeders. That's a red Mandevilla that she is growing over a shepherd hook or small pergola, don't remember.

So good things in the garden, just not mine. I will try and get out tonight to water as the existing plants do need it now. 

Oh, but the planning can begin on what I can plant when the garden bed gets set up. Things that will thrive in cool weather and good soil, edible and flowers. It's not a big bed but it's big enough.

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