Tuesday, August 23, 2022

No developments today and no watering needed

 It's going to be in the 80's all this week then turn nasty and get hotter so for now it's 11:30 and no AC needed. Yet.

Nothing needed to be done in the garden, still checking for cucumbers. As I said, likely be a zucchini situation and not fruit until later.

That sunflower has a pincurl thing going on with the one petal that's flipped down at the top. The lace bugs are back of course but going to spray tonight hopefully. Seemingly no new holes evident or movement of anything. I did notice something about the peppers though.

That's not a shift in lighting, the one in the bucket is much greener and healthier than the one in the ground. Likely due to the fertilizer not getting moved around and diluted as much in the bucket. Will try and do that tonight or tomorrow. No fruit on the one in the bucket but some flowers, so there's something. More nitrogen and iron concentrated in the bucket as well. Need to find a source of phosphorous to throw on there.

Nothing else to do out there. The plumeria is blooming in front of one of the buildings and keep forgetting to take a picture. I'm usually walking Rocky or focused on getting to and from the garden due to the heat. It's not on my direct path so I don't think about it. 

I heard the hawks this morning and yesterday saw one of them with some good wing in and circle up to the tree. The flock of parrots this morning was much bigger than previous days and there's some new calls mixed in so I think both types of parrots are kind of mingling on their fly by. Actually heard a Mourning Dove the other day as well. Ah the sounds of summer.

One thing I realized I have not seen in the few decades I've been living in a city is the night sky. Whenever I've gone out there's so much city light that I see maybe three or four of the brighter stars or planets. I think the last time I saw a full sky of stars was in college. The first time. That's almost fifty years ago. 

The last time I heard a California Quail was about five years ago on a random hike I took. The sounds and sights of nature are needed on a very core level in order to actually get you to stop and remember just where we are and who we are.

We are little dust specks on a big blue marble.

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