Sunday, September 4, 2022

I braved the weather

It was unbearably hot yesterday, repeat for today and we have not turned the AC off in a day and a half. After going to the store I decided to brave the heat again and checked the garden. Beans are definitely showing heat stress with burned leaf edges. (The shiny thing behind the bean is my mulch scoop dug into where the tunnel is.)


Didn't take any other pictures, the bucket pepper I realized has been in more shade than the other plant and therefore more green. Will see how it does now that I moved it into more sun last week.

The remaining cucumber was definitely wilted, aphids aplenty but I saw another beetle on it so it's in good hands. I startled a lizard the other evening when I went out, it was hiding behind the bean in the back. Hope it wasn't the one that ate the big cucumber.

I watered though without the nozzle, giving the plants a good soaking individually. So gardening as far as I'm concerned is done for the summer crops. Might as well pull everything and hold out for another couple of months. Seriously.Will have to figure out something else to write about here since there's not going to be much else to report from my garden.

It was not this hot last year, not for this long at least. Definitely a shift in the weather patterns and it's not good. Lakes and rivers are drying up all over the world, we're moving into an apocalyptic situation with the water and crop shortages. Getting actually kind of scared and anxious because my kids will have to live through that, as well as my grandkids. There won't be anything left for them.

Global Warming has been happening for years and now it's too late to fix it. The earth has gone through periods like this but there weren't any humans around accelerating it. Do what we can with what we've got for as long as we can. That's the best we can do.

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...