Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Posting every other day it seems.

 Weather is still clear, cold and dry. There are new signs of subterranean activity in the garden grrr. I haven't had anything like apples or other veggies recently so the only thing to add to the compost pile was the baggie of coffee grounds. I got some zucchini today and dummy me, through the older zucchini in the trash instead of cutting it up and taking it to the garden. I'll be having some mashed potatoes soon so the peels will be going to the compost as well as some celery bits.

So I dropped the coffee grounds in, a handful of leaves on top and a half scoop of mulch then watered everything down good. The holes are fresh, they were not that open two days ago for sure so the dastardly rodents are still there. I watered down the north bed and the raised bed as well, the leaf level continues to lower thankfully and here's hoping by Christmas I'll have money to put soil on top and start my spring crops.


In this part of the country, after our first fall rains comes the winter greens. Weeds are starting to come up already and as soon as they get big enough they will be pulled up and thrown on the compost pile. Not sure what's coming up between the logs, could be anything really, same with the small stuff. We're due some cloudy, possibly a little rainy weather over the weekend so if it doesn't rain I'll likely get out and water again.

Our 'green' season starts in the winter picks up speed in early spring and by April or May it's starting to fade already. Depends on how much rain we get but definitely by June, we're back to having brown hillsides again. So never mind spring is green, here it's winter greening and spring flowers then brown the rest of the year. You know the rest.

Don't forget to save all your kitchen scraps for your garden (if you have one) and see you on the other side of Turkey day!


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