Saturday, December 31, 2022

Rain again but more like drizzle

 It drizzled last night and it was just cloudy this morning. Now, at 1pm it is drizzling again and has been for about an hour. Yay for rain! Last day of the year ending on a cloudy day with more to come in the next few days.

I took more scraps to the compost pile and then promptly made some more because I made mashed potatoes and salsa. Well augmented a can of Ro-Tel with chilies by adding red onion and cilantro.

But meanwhile, there was a lot of 'construction' type noises yesterday and today I discovered what some of those noises were.

Cutting the larger roots that were on the surface of the lawn and as you can see one was big enough it had been mowed over a few times in the last several years. Whoever did it does not understand about trees. The tree isn't going to fall down and since it's winter cutting roots that big isn't a problem. The issue is what parts of the roots are left can still be a tripping hazard.

Meanwhile I realized that they had removed all potted plants from the patio area that had been sitting on the wall.

I was like, there were some sanseveria in pots there and a geranium at the end of the wall on the right as well as a hanging pot at the corner of the pergola frame on the right. I think the new manager is trying to get things 'safer' and less trashy looking. In other words, safe but sterile.

In the other lawn there is that cluster of roots that are an absolute trip hazard and wonder how they're going to handle getting those out of there.

Not to mention that cement patio bench that is absolutely trashed somehow. All those surface roots need to be cut out. There is one that is actually sticking up at an angle over by the table and benches that I actually caught my foot on (but didn't trip thankfully).

 Not in chronological order but in addition to the 'worm sign' are snail trails, or possibly worm trails, hard to say. Then, once again the gophers are using the compost as a vent hole location. All good, just turn the compost over and through and maybe by summer that will be some nice soil to use. 

The other lady has decided to plant (possibly fenugreek again) seeds in one bed and again with using cuttings that won't necessarily work just plopping them into the ground










Can't see them very well in the picture but the lower picture has lots of small, round leaf seedlings coming up. Could be peas but fenugreek is more likely given what she planted last time. I *think* that might be a cutting from a citrus tree but that would be absolutely insane. A sprig of rosemary and possibly a curry leaf plant (not real curry, tastes like it apparently). She may have been able to do this wherever she used to live but it may not work here as well. As was seen with previous cuttings she did.

The gophers have completely ruined all the beds and she had a good stand of mint but, despite what some 'experts' say, mint does not deter rabbits or other rodents. Some even love it. So that's dug under and she's planted two aloe plants. Sigh.

And the garlic is growing! Doubled in length for the growth on top so will have to see if the gophers leave it alone or it continues to grow and (crossing fingers) at least give me some tops to use as chives.

So, somewhat of a high note ending the year, I will take a picture of the garden tomorrow and do a 1 year difference and see what I was posting about. 

Stay safe, keep on gardening!

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