Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Well once again, gophers.

 Another resoundingly clear, cool, lightly breezy day. Sky is almost a 'Tiffany Blue' if you know what that color is toss in a little deeper blue and that's it. 

I didn't take a picture but the camellia flower was gone. It is entirely possible it just dropped off. That type of flower does that and I forgot to check the stem to see if that's what happened. Heard the lawnmower this morning but it was entirely too cold to jump out of bed and ask for some clippings. Not this time. 

The garlic is thin and reedy looking but still going strong, the compost..... sigh. Two holes with possibly two others. I don't have any mesh left or I would dig that out and put it under. Alternatively I may end up using one of the buckets I was going to plant in since they do have holes and all I need to do is dump it out and shovel it back in to turn it. Gopher proof for sure.

It appears that the lettuce is the first to come up. Go figure. Farthest back in the shade all the time and I know it's the lettuce because it's all mostly in a line. Radishes and carrots, nothing yet. They need warmer soil so it was a chance for sure.

And in the animal world: 

Leetle Leezard hanging out in the warm electrical closet. I  opened the door to see if I had a small piece of mesh left and didn't close it so it could sun for a while. Not a good picture at the bottom but the hummers have hatched! I suspected as much when she had to sit on the nest for two days during the rain and then saw her perched on the edge of the nest. I'll try and get a better picture but don't want to be too invasive. She watches every time someone passes by, sitting absolutely still and blending in with the coloring of her surroundings as she should.

So I may be getting some soil this coming weekend thanks to an old friend who wants to help me out. I am tempted to tell her I need help with my internet and electric bills more than soil but will see what happens. She and her husband have good paying jobs but she has had some medical issues the past year so they're trying to recover from that.

Any help in a storm right?

The breeze smells of fresh soil and spring leaves. Wonderful time of year.


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