Friday, February 10, 2023

Watered and dropped fertilizer and stuff.

The wind finally stopped earlier today, it was clanging those chimes most of the day but it's quiet now. The high hazy clouds are testament to change in the weather for sure. Just warm enough for two shirts but when the sun goes down, time for the sweater.

Well I remembered the mostly used bag of fertilizer and was going to be all cool and spread it evenly on the bed..and then I fumbled and ended up with it in the pattern you see. I watered it in good anyway and it'll do the job as it works down. The compost pile from yesterdays dump, doesn't appear to be doing much, watered that as well. Can only imagine what that bed would look like had I put in seedlings instead.

 After picture of the fertilized bed, it didn't need watering but did it anyway for the fertilizer breakdown.

 Potato sprouts in the north bed! Noticed them when I decided to water that area and moved one of the logs out of the way so they had more room. The one in the shade, obviously isn't coming up. I think that's going to be the lettuce and greens bed this early in the season.

And then there's the hummers that are flapping their wings and getting stronger,  likely will be taking flight before next week actually. Sunday is my prediction of an empty nest.

So, yay for potatoes! Yay for hummers but boooo for nothing else yet.

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...