Monday, April 3, 2023

Surprise weather and nothing much else

 Very gusty and windy today with cloud cover breaking up in the afternoon. Looked like it was going to rain this morning as heavy and dark as the clouds were but nothing hit the ground. Weather app says clear and cool most of the next two weeks. Down into the 30's and 40's at night which means still no go for putting any seedlings out. Besides not having room yet and gophers being the main deterrent.

The garden view picture on the left was a few hours earlier than the tree picture but the clouds were about the same. Cold and windy for sure but that's fine, natures air freshener in my mind.









I actually saw a bee on a dandelion by chance but it flew off before I could get photo proof. They were much busier on the Indian Hawthorn in full bloom. The picture on the right... there's a fresh gopher mound under the lemon bush next to the hose. Grumble....

Peas are latching on very well, a few tucks here and there but will probably be blown by the wind but they at least are close enough that it triggers them to reach in the right direction.
(this formatting stuff is driving me nuts! Just had to delete three pictures and start over because the cursor wouldn't go to the right line.)

Another mound near the potatoes where I had planted a red spud or two. Dug the area and found one that hadn't even sprouted yet. I was going to just leave it in the raised bed like that then decided to toss it in the mulch bucket and put the scoop over it to see what would happen. I have plenty other potatoes that are sprouting in the cupboard.

Seriously looking at either grow bags or containers that aren't ugly to put the tomatoes (and hopefully) peppers in that won't break the bank. Then there's the soil needed. I have to wait and see what the potatoes are going to do, or rather what the gophers are going to do to the potatoes. By the time that bed is ready it'll be too late for potatoes and just in time for tomatoes and peppers. Strawberries maybe? Theoretically I can get a hanging basket of strawberries from HD and hang it on my front porch but we're due an inspection and we can't have anything hanging on the eaves. Despite there being hooks out there already from previous tenants. Will wait until after the inspection.

Went looking on CL and elsewhere for free dirt, wood, pots... anything for planting. A horse ranch not far from us was giving away composted horse manure. Composted and rotting for at least 18 months. Despite it being composted am still hesitant to use it near a building. I Know what the smells like even when it's composted. I would have to bury that stuff in the native soil to be sure the smell was mitigated. They offered loading with a tractor for people with trucks or bring your own shovel. Wonder if horse manure smell would chase off the gophers?

At the very very least I need a small roll of poultry wire and a few boards for that north bed. Two 2' pieces and two 4' pieces at least 12 inches wide a length of 2x2 for the corners and some nails or screws. A simple frame is all, Could even use some heavy duty staples to attach the poultry netting on the bottom. That was something else I saw is someone selling a raised bed frame that included the soil. It was only 12" tall and the size I need but would have to bring some bags to put the soil in and the bottom was wood and rotted out on one side. It was free... and even offered the cement blocks it was on. Very tempting but the dirt was almost worthless and the amount of work needed to make sure it didn't completely mess up my car... I passed on it as well.

So the search goes on as well as the waiting.



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