Wednesday, June 7, 2023

A little better weather not much done.

 It didn't clear off until afternoon a bit and then by the time the clouds were coming back in it was almost sunset so I got to the garden earlier but not much to report there.

First some pictures from four days ago that I forgot to mention. A white zonal geranium in a pot near the patio. Why take a picture of it? Because white zonals are not very common and it was nice to see it just hanging out. I think the other tall geranium in that pot is a red or orange. The other picture is the 'progress' from the stump of camellia. So help me if they chop that down I'm going to have words.
And from yesterday, blues just don't process well on my phone. I had to throw all kinds of filters and adjustments on the picture to get the blue right on the flowers and the leaves are to blue. That's the right color for flower though. More blue with purple veins.

 The rose bush is finished blooming, technically it needed to be trimmed back for a second bloom but not going to worry about it. That only applies to hybrid teas and floribundas and this is neither. On the other hand someone decided to completely butcher the Angel Face. That's all that's left. Whoever thinks they know how to trim roses is sadly and frustratingly wrong. That red growth will not be producing any flowers any time soon and good luck getting any flowers off it next year.
The trellis tomato now has flowers opening lower on the bush. You can see by the lack of shade that it is definitely cloudy. I'm letting all the tomatoes go ahead and bloom since they aren't growing very tall at this point.

I tucked the stem of the front tomato around the stake another half turn for support, it has some flower buds at the top, same as the other one but not sure how well it's going to hold up if it gets fruit. Might have to end up tying them up or they'll just fall over even with one or two tomatoes.

Just some reference photos for the south and north beds. That middle tomato has caught up with the others surprisingly. I didn't notice it until today how tall it had gotten.
You can actually see the radishes at this stage and if they continue unhindered will have some radishes. Still nothing from the other seeds though so I'm not holding my breath on those. Will be getting those Easter Egg ones again for sure. If the other ones are a failure then I have more room for planting a couple of peppers as planned. Though when I look at that space, knowing how big peppers get there isn't enough room, in my mind, for more than one and that's pushing it. Something small like radishes or flowers maybe but not peppers.

I don't have anything small that will go in there, never got any flower seeds so it may just be tomatoes there again. I know there's a lady in another building that has some marigolds in a pot on her porch. I might ask her for seeds but it'll be too late to plant them I think.  I need a six pack of alyssum or dwarf marigolds or something.

I was mentioning on one of the garden groups that I had bad luck with the zucchini last time and blamed it on where I planted it. If those tomatoes finish up sooner than expected I might put a zucchini in that bed for midsummer and hope for the best. It'll fill that bed completely for sure.

And finally, my two loaves of bread. First try on the left, second on the right. I'm just getting the hang of it and got good color but not enough fluff on the first one and fluff but not enough color on the second. Ah well. That's me though, inconsistent no matter how hard I try.
Just like my gardening.


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