Wednesday, June 28, 2023

And one cucumber down already.

But first, flower pictures just in case that thumbnail cycle picks this post. I think the orange bougainvillea is 'Orange King'.










The middle cucumber didn't even have a chance, barely cleared the soil and was mowed down. The only one left is next to the tomato. Going to plant more of course, I am bound and determined to get cucumbers going this year. A friend advised cutting the bottoms off some clear plastic cups and put them on them and if I had nylons I would put that on top. Will try and protect the last cucumber tonight.

 The only things in the traps were a slug or two and oddly enough earwigs and in another, pill bugs. Whatever is mowing them down isn't bothering with the traps. Might have to start some seeds in a cup and then transplant when it gets big enough.

I am just so ticked off really. They must have come up from below where the logs and leaves are because I don't see any signs of slime other than on the pieces of bark I used to cover the trap.

I needed some green onions for making salmon patties today so pulled the largest ones, which weren't very large, and brought some seeds down to replant in various places. Need to do the same with some cilantro but knowing where I put other seeds hard to find a spot or three to put them.

Planted some onions between the tomatoes and the radishes are still getting chewed but they're tiny holes so with the pill bugs I found I suspect that may be them. I found the earwig in the other trap but they do like to eat small leaves as well. I need to get them before they eat the plants which is difficult without buying something. I just boiled the eggs so will have some eggshell to spread around, maybe.

Just getting a bit frustrated now with those cucumbers. It can't be the cutworm because it should have moved on to being a moth by now. Will stir up the dirt on both sides of the trellis hopefully tonight (wish that stupid jade wasn't in the way) and drop some more cucumber seeds in the 4" that the sunflower was in. I only need two in one spot if it's going to produce the way it should. 

It's only going to be in the low to mid 80's over the next week and a half so nothing too heinous for temperatures but still very warm for planting things. Should have watered where the seeds were this morning but oh well. Will be watering this evening as well hopefully. (I get sucked up into doing things on the computer and by the time I remember I needed to go out before dark, it's dark.) 



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