Friday, June 30, 2023

So far, so's warming up too.

 So got out to the garden in the evening, nothing amazing happening, went back upstairs and got my green wire to tie up some of the tomato branches. It's really warming up and is expected to be in the 90's by next week. No bueno.



Morning and evening shot of the Jacaranda, what a difference lighting makes. I am thankful I am not allergic to it and can enjoy it without suffering. (neighbor lady is  raking and sweeping up the flowers every day though.)

Still no sign of the caterpillar so someone said maybe a bird got it. Overnight? Not likely, more likely it crawled away and dug into the ground to pupate but still no damage on the plants. That's my story and sticking to it. As long as my plants are being left alone and the tomatoes all grow big and red I don't care where it went.

The garlic is a bit more free and clear now. I tied up the tomato and trimmed off a small branch that was going that direction. I was wondering why the tomatoes are more yellowish and as it turns out, it's perfectly normal. They'll go from green to yellow green then the oldest ones will start getting pinky orange and then turn red. 
Same plants hours apart. Again the difference lighting makes in a garden. But just another chance to take some beauty shots of the fruit of my labors.

I know the tomatoes we get in the store are cheap at .99/lb  but they are also almost rock hard even though they are 'ripe'. They pick them green then treat them with a gas to ripen the color. These beauties will be ripening on the vine and hopefully of the same size as store bought. 
I think the radish tops are getting a bit sunbaked but the leaves toward the back are still chewed.  I think those are still the same ones as last time so I just pinched off one to check Also you can see the size difference as they go from the shadier part to the front of the bed. Not sure if that's nutrient, sun exposure, or moisture level in the soil is likely it.  Hard to see but the picture on the right of the south bed has a small seedling coming up. Not remembering what I planted there other than cilantro and onions. A bit too soon for the cilantro, I just planted that day before yesterday.


I decided to move the cucumber seedling. I used the ice scoop to get the entire rootball with lots of dirt and dug a similar size hole. I did this after I watered so everything is good and wet. Yes I planted seeds in that area but I'm impatient and that cucumber was too close to the tomato. If the other seeds come up I'll move them to the back.

I put the cup cover back over it just in case. Was tempted to do that with the little seedling in the south bed but didn't have anything to cut the bottom of a cup off.

 And lastly a nice shot of the blooming hibiscus and lantana. They are both recovering well from being butchered thankfully and it's just cute having the little American flag stuck in there somehow.
Oh, those are spider plants under those bushes also. Yeah, they're surviving even though they're a shade plant. Odd couple plantings right?

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