Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Small panic last night but everything's good

It is going to be 97 today and as a result I have started the AC at 9:30 am. It's not that hot outside technically, but since I was in the full sun for about twenty minutes watering, I was hot and sweaty when I got back in.

It wasn't until it was full on dark that I realized I had been so busy  I didn't get out to the garden at dusk.  I was anxious about it but resigned myself to whatever happened, happened.  I can't say it was a pleasant surprise they survived because leafminers are on the larger cucumber. And other issues.

Everyone is in one piece the tomato may well get picked tomorrow, there's one behind it that's starting to color up but is smaller. I think some culling may be necessary for better sizes.

Very obvious leafminer damage on the cucumber and the zinnia. I don't have anything to combat it unfortunately. As I mentioned, it's too hot lately and I'm not watering in the evening so pill bugs are staying subsurface. Or they're nibbling on the leaves close to the soil under the bushes.
 (It figures the day  I have multiple interruptions when I'm writing the photos load just fine, I'm sitting here with a whole block of time free and it's being a butt about loading photos.)
I got out early today, this is what the bed looked like. Onions are fine it's just the angle, one of the branches of that bush had fallen over so luckily I remembered my green wire and did another strining pulling it up. I will remember next time, trellis or heavy tomato cage only. Stakes won't cut it. (That tomato on the ground is from another bush, read on.)

Well there are tomatoes coloring on the other bushes, even the yellowed one and they don't have signs of blossom rot. The other one is in the south bed and should be ready in about a week or so.

While looking at the coloring tomatoes on that small bush one of them just fell off. Having just picked four other small tomatoes that were coloring due to blossom rot I thought 'oh great....  another one'.

But it's just smol. I think it got caught on one of the cage rungs and pulled off is all. I have it in the fridge now but maybe I should put it in with the potato cupboard? I don't have any apples to help ripen it faster.
So that's it for today. 
The Mourning Doves are flying back and forth outside today, spider webs are collecting everywhere and it isn't even September yet. Bees are still buzzing in the Jacaranda tree as well. I've seen a few Mourning Cloak butterflies and last week some small lizards skittered across the garden. Life is out there even with the heat.










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