Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Peas planted, watering done

 It is still very dry and warmer today than yesterday so we closed everything up before leaving on errands with the temp inside still below 80. It only got to 85 today and now around 3pm the wind is kicking up and high wispy clouds are floating in. They (weather people) said this would be the last day of the Santa Ana conditions and it seems to be correct. Humidity is still 6% but the wind is gusting at 15 mph as opposed to only 4mph or calm yesterday. The wind never is wrong. Unless it's a tornado. Or hurricane.

Temps will be falling after the weekend and getting cloudy, will be seriously thinking about planting seeds out in the beds then.


Wondered why the rose looked like it was losing leaves. I didn't recall that one branch being completely bare... then I saw it. The little twerp. Several leaves were now nubs thanks to this marauder. No more than a quarter inch when hunched up like that. I pinched it off and tossed it over the wall then thoroughly inspected all the other plants.

Regular inspections are important. Whitefly on the pepper. I suspect that's what was under the zinnia leaf as well. This was also rubbed clean and all the other leaves were inspected closely.

Hard to see the lettuces since the only ones coming up are the red variety. I will probably try and sift one of those out for some seedling grade soil for the next batch of lettuce. 

Shifted the cover on the west bed and added logs at either end for insurance. The potato this morning is looking really good, the cilantro, not so much. I suspect that position is very warm and gets dry quickly which is not conducive to cool season cilantro that practically leaped out of the raised bed in the spring.

I thought I got a picture after I planted them, but these are the sweet pea seeds all plump and ready to go. I used the paint brush handle to poke them down into the pellet a bit further and made sure to cover them with the soil. I also covered the trays I put the pellets in with random plastic lids or trays to hold in moisture like a greenhouse. Will probably move them or somehow protect them from the blasting afternoon sun. Thinking of tying/taping a piece of cardboard on the left side of the shelves to block the sun. More on that idea later.

It looks like it should be about 65 outside with partial cloud cover and coastal fog occluding the sun but it's 83 and was 87 earlier.

This will all be a distant memory in two months.

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