Monday, January 22, 2024

Buckets and buckets of rain!

It's finally winter rain season and boy howdy is it coming down! Day before yesterday it rained most of the day so I didn't go out. Yesterday there was a break in the weather later in the afternoon so I managed to go out and check on things. Today, no chance. It has been raining buckets on and off (meaning still rain but not as hard) since before I woke up this morning.  I need big picture windows to take video and pictures from inside. As such the views are limited and occluded by screens and dirty windows.











Combined pictures from the last few days. First up is from yesterday when I was able to get out in the afternoon to check on things. As you can see it is very, very wet. Nothing compared to what happened today but still a good and thorough soaking.

The potato leaf, untouched, tomatoes, untouched but two brussels sprouts leaves chews a bit. Potatoes are still thriving but that front one is leaning a bit, it's not growing straight up like they're supposed to. Neither of them are. Compared to what I've seen on other websites. I seem to recall the first batch of potatoes I tried to grow were also short. Supposedly they get about three feet and I want to know what potatoes they're growing. Red potatoes can be harvested 'typically' in 100 days. The plants are going to have to flower and die so that  may be a while given the current weather. 

Meanwhile in the other bed, I noticed a few more radishes coming up. Not sure which ones those are but hey, more the merrier. I'm going to be wading through radishes in a few weeks. Those two or three carrots will be ready very soon so I'm happy about that and will likely check that potato as soon as things start drying out later on. In the raised bed again, I was moving the tomatoes and the b. sprouts around and discovered one of the tomatoes was very soft and bloated. I grabbed a piece of bark and smooshed it. Going to regret it later if the seeds sprout but if and when they do, I can hopefully transplant them. That picture was taken yesterday after rain so nothing has touched any of the 'bait' leaves other than the brussel sprout leaf. 

And to finish it all off, the amateur video of cat in the window watching the rain come down. It really came down in buckets today and caused a flash flood warning as well. I thought I got a video of leaves being carried away by the river in the parking lot but forgot to hit record. DOH!

There has been no wind to speak of and now that the rain has stopped, the sound of traffic can be heard. It was eerily quiet this morning and could only hear the rain which is a good thing in my mind.

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