Tuesday, January 16, 2024

New difficulties but progress in the garden

 My phone died suddenly and catastrophically last night. So taking photos of the garden is being done with the ipad. A bit difficult as I had to make sure it was syncing with the computer and setting that up. Such a pain. Won't have money for a new phone for two and a half weeks.

The weather is clear and mostly calm, with some breeze and technically supposed to get more rain soon. Notes on that when it happens.

Carrots are looking great, still not big enough to pull and am having to stop  myself every time I see them to not do so. The other picture is a large geranium of some sort that has a velevety stem rather than the skin type. Will have to go rub the leaves and see if it's a scented one. The flowers, if I remember aren't anything remarkable. It might be just a regular old red one.

While I was watering the other day I sprayed the long stem potato a bit too hard and it folded over. I then piled up soil around it to hope it would survive and continue to grow. Progress on that later. And then the other potato that seemed to also have been bent over, was perfectly fine the next day. So I guess it's all me and my watering causing issues. Despite my accidents my garden appears to be thriving.

Neighbors gardens. The one downstairs has a loquat that looks in desperate need of water, that little grey and tan bag thing actually has a plant in a pot tucked inside and the bougainvillea that got smashed is recovering finally.  Dolores' eggplant is producing gosh darn it. She already harvested one and there is a second one so good on her! And Layla's tomatoes are out of control. They are planted in a 3 gallon pot! I want to know what fertilizer she's using!

From yesterday, things are looking good, the potato was still upright and not looking wilted so that's a good thing. So far.

Just a tree silhouette against the blue sky, because it's winter. The other pictures are... I have no words. Whoever is taking care of that planter box just ripped the plants out that were in it and tossed them onto the lawn near where Rocky is standing. That planter and a pot as well have had unknown and dead plants in them for months. Just instead of taking the plants to the dumpster just thought, 'well they'll be raking up the leaves anyway it'll be taken care of.' Inconsiderate and lazy is all I can think of.

Unfortunately I don't have a way of easily marking on photos using ipad and my computer but trust me, there's radishes coming up already! Didn't see them when the soil was dry but after watering I almost drowned them. Those are some fast seeds! four or five days since I planted them and they're already up! Those are the kinds of results that I always read about but never experienced. The seeds I  had must have been too old other than that first batch two years ago. So yeah, radishes and carrots by Valentines Day I suspect at this rate. Green onions will be another few days for those to come up.

So looking good for now, going to be a bumper crop of potatoes in a few more weeks and in another two months going to be prepping for summer planting. Geez. I still have cauliflower, onion and lettuce that hasn't grown yet. 

Time to head off and do my errands for the day.

Yay for fast seeds!

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...