Thursday, January 18, 2024

The weather is doing and so is the garden

 Clouds last evening were just that, evening clouds because it's clear and breezy today.Got down into the fifties overnight so not horridly cold but nippy enough for sure. Still sweater weather during the day especially in the shade.

Radishes are a go to crop for instant gratification for sure. Doubled in size from yesterday and actually had to thin them out or they'd be too big to separate. Tossed the culled plants into the compost of course. They could be used as micro greens but I'm not into that stuff. I suppose when I thin the other bed I'll wash them off and use them in a salad.

After thinning with the pulled ones at the bottom of the picture. Not many left but more than enough for just two people. Besides, plenty of time to plant more as well as the other row coming up in the west bed.

The soil not being as dry on the surface here it's harder for the seedlings to get above ground but they're doing it. I culled one or two in the picture on the right, will do a more vigorous thinning tomorrow.

Most definitely will have carrots and radishes by Valentines day. 

Suspicious holes/scrapes/tracks in the south bed. Definitely something tried to get in there looking for something. This was a few days ago and no further incursions have been  noticed. I think it may have been a skunk or cat but it's really obvious they were digging to do something.

Luckily nothing in that bed and am glad I put the wire over it. If I put anything in there it would be very slow to grow at this point, have to wait another month or so before I plant anything there and it may end up being cauliflower and/or lettuces.

Those south beds are just not ideal for planting anything because of the amount of shade that side gets. Believe me, if it were my personal property and had money, it would be fixed by now. Growing beds on the north side, storage, walkway, ornamental hanging things, but not much for growing on that side.

I blocked this out a while back and tried to do a good perspective angle that matched the beds. Green areas are keep and black are removed. My raised bed in the back is obviously kept and included in the large green area on the left. Lemon bush on the right would be trimmed back a bit. Black on the right would be removed as a planting bed, maybe replaced with gravel or bark. A small storage shed or series of protected shelves and hooks. Obviously can't make this a real community garden so those 6'x4' rubbermaid storage sheds would be fine. No more than three given how little planting space there is. Anything along the walls on the east and south are no sun so they have to be kept as buffer or drainage or whatever. Compost bins in the far corner of course  Logs would be gone sadly but maybe something kept for the lizards where the jade bush is. I don't know, I was just playing around with design ideas.

All wishes and fairy dust as far as that's concerned. But I have radishes and carrots!

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...