Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Partly cloudy until otherwise

 It's very blustery right now with beautiful blue skies with scudding white and gray clouds skimming overhead. No rain in the forecast until the weekend apparently and maybe some more the week following. So out to the garden I went to check on things and see what's happening.

It did rain some more last night so the ground was damp looking. Still very much winter/spring skies and temperatures but that's okay, it's as it should be. 

Sadly the only thing that got into the traps over night was an earthworm and maybe another pill bug. So the yeast traps are not as good as hoped, will do some more research and keep trying.

The trap in the corner stayed covered better than the other two that had their leaf blown off. As I was inspecting that corner trap something skittered along the inside and then leaped out of the bed into the jade bush. From the quick glimpse I had, it was definitely a small lizard.

It may not look like much but I think that's a piece of shed lizard skin in the vicinity I saw it skittering. I'm happy they are making use of the big bush because I'm hoping we end up finally getting rid of some of the logs this summer. I then took a chance and pulled one of the larger looking radishes but it still had a long way to go. It's supposed to be double that size when mature.

I wiped it off and took a bite out of it and it definitely had a snappy flavor so will be happy to finally be able to use them in salads and stuff. I broke up the sacrificial one and tossed it in the compost. It did look like something had chewed the outer skin though (the white part is where I broke off the tap root), which was rather annoying but having never grown radishes very successfully, not too alarmed about it.

The cauliflower, little snots in the west bed, are actually growing better than the ones in the raised bed. They are so far behind though, by the time the other plants are ready to harvest and the bed needing a turn over those will not likely be even close to harvest time. I'm going to have plenty of Romaine and radishes for sure, maybe even some green onions.

I checked on the potted plants, everything is okay and then noticed that pepper looked a bit sunken. I loosened the soil then did the same for the leftover in the other cup and added some soil to the bottom of the pepper pot. The roots were starting to wrap around in the pot but I can't plant it out right now unless I have soil and another container to put it in. I also noticed the huge gaping hole from termites in that log. I don't remember that hole being there before and I suspect there may be a possum that may have opened it more. If there had been a skunk, I would have smelled it. I may have even done that and don't remember.

Water collected in the bag cover of the compost of course, so I slid it so the water dumped into the bucket sending dozens and dozens of fruit flies up. I covered it again at least and have to figure out how to keep that a bit better maintained. The wild potato in the jade plant I think is a red potato and has a second stem coming up that was stuck under that main branch. The plant is really thick so not going to try and move anything. As it was I broke off a small branch as I was moving things around so I just tossed it in the corner behind the main bush. Tempted to thin out a lot of the branches anyway because it's only going to get worse later on. 

I was happy to see a lizard actually in my raised bed. That means they're foraging for insects which is good for the plants. YAY! Eat all them snails and bugs guys, you are more than welcome in the garden!


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