Monday, April 8, 2024

No fallout as yet, clear skies

 Well, when I went outside the light seemed a bit off and I looked around at clear vaguely hazy skies and realized, it was the partial eclipse time for us. Not much going on so not very many pictures.

So yeah, really interesting with that sun shot, figured wouldn't be able to tell and I dialed down the brightness but then you see the little crescent reflection of the sun through the phone lens. Cool!











Sunny and clear, but cool. I ended up watering because the soil really was dry down about a half inch or so. Onions are thriving, even the two bulb onions are doing much better.

I saw something blade leaf like coming up near the green onions in the raised bed while watering... palm seed. Wow. There are no fan palms within view of me but there is a Queen palm across the street and half a block away. This likely got there by way of the wind we had. It would take only about a week for that seed to sprout like that. I spread some of the soil I got for free in the middle of the raised bed only because one of the 'dry pancakes' of soil from a pot fell there. But this palm seed did not come from that.

Impatient Gardener strikes again. I just watered the soil in that bucket as it was. I probably put about a third of that volume of water in there and it started bubbling up with dry soil. I put the lid on and lifted it, didn't feel that heavy, so will see how it looks tomorrow. There's barely enough soil in that to even use in the window box I have and most definitely not enough to put in the larger crate.

So at least I have some soil to mix in one of the beds. 

That container would be good for growing something in it if I drilled holes. Nah, I need to keep that free in case I go to somewhere that has extra soil. That's about a cubic foot of volume and easier to carry than a trash bag.

That's it for today, whoohoo for eclipse...can you sense my excitement?

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...