Wednesday, May 29, 2024

And now the squash and more peppers!

 Yay! Weather is fine, windy and all that. Downstairs neighbor came home from the hospital finally and I was going to water her plants today. I'll give her a day, but went down to say hello and we all welcomed her back. In our complex when someone goes to the hospital, it's not always a good outcome.

Anyway. Sun is shining, birds are singing and blower is blowing and I may well water later today because the soil is drying out due to the sun exposure.










Looks like something jumped into my raised bed in the night and the other plant was munched so I pulled it out and planted another. Good thing I have back ups.

I didn't plant the tallest one for a couple of reasons. One, I  might still offer it up for trade and two, I wanted one that was close in size to the one that's already in the bed. The onions are all exceedingly happy and growing well. Just wish I had more room to plant more.

 Speaking of being exceedingly happy. One of the squash seeds finally broke the surface and the next batch of tomatoes as well (lower left corner of the long container). Yayayayyayay! Wondering if I planted them too deep so it took longer for them to get to the surface. The other cup container is the fish peppers and will have to wait on those to see if they ever come up. I got the seeds for those on April 25, the other tomatillos were coming up about the same time so last week of April to last week of May... They should have come up in 8-10 days. Since they're considered a 'warm' pepper they like the heat. If they aren't up by now, going to have to give up on them for this year.











 Hard to see but there are two spots showing digging of some sort at the front edge of the south bed. I'm glad I planted the celery at the back and also glad I kept that chicken wire on. Probably something looking for insects because a cat would have not even bothered. Or maybe they did but gave up due to the wire.

I will be preparing proper protection for the up and coming seedlings when they go in the bed. I also got information on growing echinacea and turns out they don't like our hot dry summers and fall is the better time to plant them. If I decide to try that I'll do them in a container to transplant or give away next year.

It's hard getting used to thinking about next years crops when this year just started and, at my age and condition, not sure if I'll even be around in a year or two. Have to stay positive but nothing lasts forever. 

Except nuclear fallout....

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