Weather is still warm/hot daytime and cools down to fall temps at night. I think it was in the low 50's this morning when I woke up. Still dry air though, not a cloud in the sky and humidity is in the low popcorn percentage.
First Fall color on the tree! HA! That's always the first tree to start coloring in the fall, the other trees are still incredibly damaged from the caterpillars and saw more frass and stems on the sidewalk today.
I decided to cut back and pull the tomatillos, doing so carefully as I could but I think Manny really is gone. I kept the jalapeƱo since there were two fruit on it and yanked the poblano. That photo on the right is me pulling up the larger plant with a rootball at least 18" across but shallow. Shook off as much dirt as possible then did the same with the other plant.
These were some hefty roots but not from any of my plants. They were coming from the back, in the direction of the building. Nothing has really grown there other than weeds in my time working that bed. Only thing I can think of is leftover roots from the aloe, but these roots are live.
I chopped up the tomatillo and threw the cuttings behind the bed, compost buckets are overloaded.You can see the shade line has shifted dramatically now, this was around noon I think. I held off watering because I had watered the evening before and it was still very damp.
I dumped the entire bucket of compost in the bed and it's still not
enough but it helps. Used the cultivator to get it all mixed and will probably use the last of the compost in the crate as well. Debating on whether to put it in this bed or the now fully shaded south bed. Which nothing is growing right now due to watering issues and it's full shade.
Went back in the evening and watered it in really well and then put the chicken wire over it just in case. Still no new hose. Waiting for the last two or three tomatoes to ripen a bit more before I rip those out but decided I was too impatient to keep the onions any longer.
They should have been much bigger by now but oh well. I just don't have the space or patience to grow onions and garlic. If I had a bed totally dedicated to onions and potatoes I'd do that. I chopped up the tops and put them in the freezer and kept some of the neck on the bulbs and put those in a bag in the fridge.
I don't think I'm going to do anything with the tomatillos I have in the fridge and elsewhere. They are not to size, I don't have the energy to roast them and frankly, purple salsa....does not sound appetizing. So this was a test run for next year when I hope to plant the green ones.
Now then... I can't plant anything in the raised bed until I get more soil. Unless I get a gift card for garden supplies that may never happen. Next month is chock full of other more important things I need. Shoes and pants are top of the list and a possible cost for my procedure this Monday, oh yes and eyeglasses for me.
Gardening is for people with the space, time and money to spend on it as a full time hobby. Much like trying to make money with my jewelry, it's just piddling around for my own enjoyment.
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