Sunday, December 1, 2024

Just a small update

 It is now 4 pm and the view out my window is all shaded. Tops of the trees across the way are still in the yellow glow of sunset. Not enough daylight in the day anymore to really enjoy things. Not that I was getting out and doing stuff but I'm not cooped up with the ac on and windows closed because it's a furnace outside.

Closest to actual color of the sunset last night. It made everything glow orange and I'm sure other people got better pictures but that was the best I could do. If I ever got a drone camera, I'd be taking pictures from rooftops for sure.

Best photo I could get of the regrowing pepper tree. they trimmed up the lower branches that were making it look like a huge ball. So they will be letting it regrow obviously but it's going to take another five or six years for it to get close to full size. One of the nandina were putting on a spectacular red show. Most of the others have some berries and some leaves that were red but this one is an overachiever for sure. Had to color correct a bit phone is stupid.

Actual garden update now, the radishes are coming on like gangbusters, as they do. There seems to be only one romaine that has survived and none of the lettuces have come up yet. I might have to get some new seeds. I've been thinning out the radish line as they grow so they're pretty evenly spaced now. The potatoes are coming up slowly, another cilantro is growing (forgot I tossed some of those in the raised bed). Until I get another hose I can only grow things on the far end of the bed where the hose can spray. The local grocery store I go to doesn't have 'live' herbs in pots, have to go to either Trader Joe's or a nursery to get some sage, thyme, rosemary and whatever else I want to grow in the south bed.

I also noticed that the price for roma tomatoes is up due to it being 'off season' for them. During the summer they're 99 cents a pound now they're 1.29 and smaller than usual. I miss my bumper crop from last year. I will be planting regular romas again for sure. As long as I can start them inside and have the right soil.

Always one thing or another right? That's all for the update this time, just happy to see those radishes coming up.

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