Saturday, December 28, 2024

Merry Christmas to me!

But first, the weather. It was cold and overcast for a few days including Christmas but then cleared off and warmed up a bit in the afternoon. Still no rain but we got some misty drizzle briefly, not enough to do much other than dampen sidewalks and grass.

The rampaging mammal continued to stir up dirt looking for food and mostly because I haven't watered the soil was dry and perfect for digging. 

One of the lizards was taking advantage of the south angled sun on the fence. It was actually closer to the log pile but as I stepped closer it shuffled ahead. Good to see them still hanging out and doing the good work for the garden.

I finally got a hose and sprayer! I had just enough money left over from Christmas gifting (after taking care of the important things first) and went to HD today. If not for needing to buy a case of water I would have had enough to get a bag of soil. I decided that the hose and sprayer was of utmost importants and soil would happen next month. Pictures are before, the product and after watering thoroughly. I have used the Aquajoe before working at HD and it's fine for a compact hose, I can stand on it and it won't lose pressure much. I almost bought the 'Silver Bullet' but it was $5 more and I decided to conserve money a bit. This one isn't much better but at least it fits in the cat litter bucket I have spare that I was using to hold the 'seedling' spuds. it's a flat profile hose when not being used so easy to just loop on itself and stuff it in the bucket. The nozzle is an ultra cheap ($10) multi sprayer with a thumb control that caught my eye last second as I was leaving the garden area at HD.  I will eventually replace it with a better one that's about five or six dollars more but for now it's good for what I need to do.
I do not trust the other two ladies to use it so it is staying tucked away and used only by me. I almost bought the same hose that Dolores did then realized I would likely leave it out to be  used by the other two. I wanted to tuck it away to last longer and got the more compact one. 

That raised bed was so dry the left side  that hadn't been watered in months pooled immediately. The far side still being damp soaked in almost immediately. I switched between the three beds watering for a good fifteen or twenty minutes. Going to check the soil tomorrow and see if the raised bed needs watering on that left side. I wanted to buy seeds or peat pellets but not enough cash for both. Besides they don't have the seeds I wanted which were the Easter Egg variety of radishes.  

They had roses and bare root fruit trees out.... LE Sigh..... I wouldn't be able to do a rose justice because it would have to be in a pot on my front porch area. That means, buying a pot, and the soil, and watering it.... 

Some day. A house of my own with a garden to plant.

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