Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Well, we got rain!

 Finally! Started clouding over Saturday and it was predicted for about a 68 ish percentage of rain for the area. Well it sure as heck rained. No pictures of the event unfortunately but it rained Sunday morning (overnight into daylight), spattered a bit then rained hard and continued that trend all the way to Monday when it cleared off by morning on Tuesday. Coooollllld! It didn't ge more than mid 50's all Sunday and Monday. 

These were all taken on Monday when it was cold and blustery and spattered rain in the early morning and a little at night. Not nearly enough rain for the season but everything got a thorough soaking. It's puffy clouds right now with a light blue sky and gentle breeze.  Oh did I mention it was cold! 48 this morning when I woke up. 

Some catching up to do since I haven't posted for a week. I sprouted some green onions from the store and got those planted out then used some of the 'in ground' soil and mixed that in on the left side of the bed. I'm hoping that when it starts warming up the potatoes will kick into high gear. I can't do anything with that bed until I can pull those onions and the potato sprouts get bigger. I was digging around and found those three spudlings and another potato that was thoroughly rotted through. The cilantro I needed the other day so trimmed off the longest leaves for just enough for my recipe. Waiting for that to grow out again.

Pictures from Tuesday when the ground was still wet but the sun was shining. The jade plants are all in full bloom again and the garlic is actually growing! You can see the leaves on the left lower end of the west bed with the logs.

And the status today. The compost I mixed into the south bed is undisturbed and at least one cilantro survived in the bed, I discovered another seed had escaped and ended up in Layla's bed to the right, about where that leaf is in the top left picture. The skies, as I said, are beautiful blue with puffy clouds, a bit more grey now than this morning. 

Beginning of the month is coming up and I'm looking at getting at least one bag of soil and maybe look for some parsley and basil seeds for the south bed. When it gets to be full summer I'll have to figure out what to put there other than greens. A few radishes have survived the mayhem from last month, they're growing at least, but what the root will look like is another matter. The seeds I planted in the fiber pots have not shown yet but it's been cold and rainy so not expecting any movement for a while. Still scouting a place indoors.

The 'Paradise' rose is blooming, despite being stripped completely a month ago. Roses are surprisingly sturdy plants which a lot of people think is opposite of their experience. 9 out of 10 times people are killing their plants with too much attention. 

Another update hopefully next week if I get some soil.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Garden gifts and still no rain

 It's been overcast then windy, clear skies, vaguely overcast and today it was mostly clear with high streaky clouds and 81 degrees. 81. In January. We had three small fires in San Diego that were put out very, very quickly thankfully. One of them would have overtaken an entire neighborhood of apartments and homes where a friend lives. It's very scary right now all over the country.

Today on the left, almost a week ago on the right. In between those two days we had really high winds day before yesterday, which is why we are now mostly clear and have a small chance of rain this coming weekend. 









I really had to water today but Dolores was out there planting some things in pots, I chatted for a little and was going to come back after she left. Well she asked if I needed some in ground soil for putting in my beds. Damn skippy! Not much but it's enough for the south bed at least. Also some seedling soil and fiber pots! I finally was able to plant some seeds! So grabbed my seed baggie and decided on cucumber and roma's again. Because they were both really successful and here's hoping I can get some soil next week.
The 'in ground soil' is basically course compost almost wood mulch. It's okay for going in the ground for sure so I spread a little on the south bed because as I dumped it realized I had three cilantro sprouts coming up. Oh well. Going to get the cultivator and shovel and work a lot of that in. I can plant more seeds. The raised bed unfortunately....needs a LOT more than that. I put a bit in the down left corner and worked it in a little and then found a few lumps where a potato was supposedly growing.

The two reds are from the potato I planted up in the right hand corner that just decided to die. The white one is from front middle as I was working the compost in and digging through. They are only about an inch or two big. Pathetic really. So I left them on the ground and if the critters eat them it's all good. I really do suck at growing potatoes but that's likely due to incorrect planting methods.

And finally this is sitting out in front of one of the apartments. Not much growing in that bed but some weeds, jade and some other random succulents. I think there's a bulb in the background I forgot was there. They at least cut down or pulled out the two palm tree seedlings that were coming up.


Friday, January 10, 2025

It's a dangerous time of year.

Sort of garden related, I have to say some things:

 We have had no significant rain for over six months. The Los Angeles area is currently a flaming apocalyptic disaster area. Three major fires and a fourth smaller one has devastated miles and miles of homes, many of them are acting people from movies and tv. Canada and Mexico have come across the borders to help on the ground and in the air. Canada has sent water tanker planes, some of their largest, and Mexico has sent ground crews. 

It is sad to see so much destruction and yet there are still people who insist that it's not climate change. When we haven't had significant rainfall and everything is tinder dry brush and then it's Santa Ana conditions which means that wild winds are pushing the flames faster than imaginable. 

This is garden related because it has to do with weather, water and how it affects our gardens and the world when a disaster of this size strikes. It is possible that these fires were intentionally set but they are not ruling out wind whipped trees and power lines as the culprit.  It is still windy and dry in my corner of the state as well and in the garden group someone noted this and said, 'DON'T ANYONE LIGHT ANYTHING! NO BARBECUES OR FIREPITS!'  IF a fire started in the hills near me, it would be instant evacuation for sure.

Okay enough of the disaster, I have my own smaller problems to deal.  

 Not once, but twice I have been assaulted by critters. I held off watering because it didn't really need it. Well that's just asking for an invite so obviously that didn't work. The two garlic are still sending up a shoot but no roots and there's maybe three or four radishes left. 

I managed to block one end with wood and used the other piece of wire mesh for the other end. I may reverse this or get my wire cutters out tomorrow and snip that piece in half. No disturbance today that I could see so it held up so far. 

Potatoes are okay although there was a hole dug near the potato that got mangled. No new growth above ground of the other potato that I marked with a stick. Cilantro is doing fine. I stopped at the library to see if they had any seeds I could use but all they had were summer vegetables that I did not have room for. Even artichokes...from seeds which means it will be a few years before the plant is big enough to flower. If I had the bed room I would put one in but it's a perennial and is huge. I know, my sister in law grew two of them in a 3x4 spot. Of course, I have run out of money for soil, as usual. I will not plant anything more in that raised bed until I can get more soil, no matter how good the weather is. There's no room left for roots, that soil is almost on top of the logs on the bottom as it is. 

The wind has pulled down this longer branch from the trumpet vines. It will need a zip tie or something to hold it onto that cross beam. I hope the gardeners don't decide it needs to be cut before I can get out and tie it up again. 

Okay running out of time for typing. I took a short video of the bird of paradise in the background being slapped by the wind. It was rather humorous really, slap, slap, slap,slap.... 

Stay safe and keep watering!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

I thought we were going to have rain

 But nooooo it got cloudy and cold then the wind came up and blew it all away. So it is looking like a very dry season again. It should have rained by now but the big storms are going through the northwest and on through the midwest.

This was two days ago. Cold overcast and there were three or four crows making that ratchet sound in the tree. I was walking Rocky at the time so couldn't get a good angle or close enough but yep, that's a hawk just trying to stay chilled out and fluffed up in the tree. Not bothering anyone but the crows took offense.

Today's sky and yesterdays disaster again. All the radishes, the cilantro and garlic tossed everywhere. I'm  not even going to bother fixing it again. I could plant more seed but there is no point with rummaging omnivores coming through. I would have to cut half circle pieces to make ends and wire them together for a full cage. Not worth the hassle. 











The raised bed was bothered too, that one potato that had multiple sprouts was all mangled and obvious signs of something walking around.

They just can't leave things alone can they? 

At least the camellia is still intact and blooming but they cut any new sprouts off the stump. This is definitely a 'Debutante' I'd remember those fluffy petals anywhere.

I was thinking while typing this about why I point all this stuff out. It's because I have no control over it. It's not my yard that would be watched and tended by me, nothing would change unless I did it either through care or neglect. If I had a yard that I planted and tended, the only time I would be disappointed in something being disturbed or cut down would be due to animals. Like my garden beds. It's frustrating and sad that I cannot do anything to the plants in the complex to improve how they look and perform. It's not my job so I have to just live with it and either ignore it or point it out. Or both.

We green to grow!

We are expecting rain and right now, it's raining off in the distance with the wind blowing to the East and a little south according to...