Sunday, January 5, 2025

I thought we were going to have rain

 But nooooo it got cloudy and cold then the wind came up and blew it all away. So it is looking like a very dry season again. It should have rained by now but the big storms are going through the northwest and on through the midwest.

This was two days ago. Cold overcast and there were three or four crows making that ratchet sound in the tree. I was walking Rocky at the time so couldn't get a good angle or close enough but yep, that's a hawk just trying to stay chilled out and fluffed up in the tree. Not bothering anyone but the crows took offense.

Today's sky and yesterdays disaster again. All the radishes, the cilantro and garlic tossed everywhere. I'm  not even going to bother fixing it again. I could plant more seed but there is no point with rummaging omnivores coming through. I would have to cut half circle pieces to make ends and wire them together for a full cage. Not worth the hassle. 











The raised bed was bothered too, that one potato that had multiple sprouts was all mangled and obvious signs of something walking around.

They just can't leave things alone can they? 

At least the camellia is still intact and blooming but they cut any new sprouts off the stump. This is definitely a 'Debutante' I'd remember those fluffy petals anywhere.

I was thinking while typing this about why I point all this stuff out. It's because I have no control over it. It's not my yard that would be watched and tended by me, nothing would change unless I did it either through care or neglect. If I had a yard that I planted and tended, the only time I would be disappointed in something being disturbed or cut down would be due to animals. Like my garden beds. It's frustrating and sad that I cannot do anything to the plants in the complex to improve how they look and perform. It's not my job so I have to just live with it and either ignore it or point it out. Or both.

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