Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Plugging along, birds are nesting

 Skies are blue, temperatures are warm, seedlings are growing, animals shuffled dirt.

 Not a very good picture but first blooms to open on the Indian Hawthorn. Just a random flower that is a harbinger of spring is all.

This pair of doves startled me when I went out to the garden yesterday. They were under the nandina at the entrance to the area and just simply, walked ahead of me. Kept a very watchful eye of course but just kept picking up grit or tiny seeds and didn't take off in a flurry and whistle of wings until I got to the south bed. I am hoping this is the same pair that's building a nest in the jacaranda outside my window. I hear them going up and down or in and out of the tree in the morning. I can't see where the nest is because it's likely right in the branches on the corner of the building. Rocky watches them with great interest sitting in my window.

The south bed I smoothed out the day before after digging it through again and came out yesterday to a pile of dirt in the middle. Now it's rather odd that there are three scrape marks that look like they would be from the cultivator but I am a bit too OCD about things like that but the divot and pile to the left of it in the first picture, definitely from something else. I got the trowel and moved the dirt around but didn't find anything and there was no smell. Digging around today I found a small pellet that seemed to have fur on it. Definitely way too small for cat or other mammal and rabbits don't cover up their poo. Oh well, not disturbed today so will water everything tomorrow.
I culled another tomato seedling so am now down to four. More than enough still for what I need. As much as I am wanting to jump the gun and plant them out now, they are still entirely too small. Way too small. Besides I need more soil in the raised bed and if the sweet peas ever pop it will be a real race.  Surprisingly, the peas and peppers have not dried out despite the afternoon heat and yet the ones in the window needed water the other day. The window amplifies the heat for sure and I bring them in from the window in the evening.
Funny thing when walking Rocky the other day. I found a small piece of a jade plant or other succulent in the grass. Rocky is wandering around, eating grass but looked over at the sidewalk a moment, just as I tossed the piece I found, hoping to get in the other plants but by chance landed inside that 'watering can' decoration. He immediately darted over thinking (hunter that he is) something was worth hunting. He knows lizards are out, he's seen at least one twice. So he spent a good five minutes sniffing around, thinking something was moving in the spider plant then eventually gave up with a small growl and went back to finding grass to chew on.

I am hoping to make a trip up to the Safari Park on Thursday, last day for the month of getting in free for senors. If I do get up there, I will likely have pictures of plants and animals..

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Flowers from other places

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